You can [not] trust the dragon of white

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|Tom pov|
M/n's been bed ridden for two weeks now and the nurses said he'll be able to return to class in two days.The gang and I have been worried but the good news brought joy to us and everyone else.I've gotten to know King Caelum a bit more and he's not so bad in all honesty.He was never shown love by his father so he wasn't sure how to go about showing is affection to his only son.I soon understood the way he thought,He loves his son very much,just he needs to learn how to show it.

I suggested that he take a walk around London for a while and watch other parents with their kids and take notes.He thanked me much to my surprise and told me that I was perfect for M/n then told me to take care of him.

Currently,I was on my way to the hospital wing with Tereus and Blare.Seruel was already there watching over M/n.I was happy to have a free period around the time he would be up but something felt off when I opened the door.The nurse was sleeping in a chair nearby or so I thought.Seruel didn't move from his comfortable spot,matter of fact...They all didn't look like they were breathing,my ear picked up on absolute silence.The world around me was frozen in place like a picture or painting.
"Shite!Wrong person but you'll do."

The color of his clothes reminds me of the vision I had of the future

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The color of his clothes reminds me of the vision I had of the future.
"Oi!Listen and listen well!This is the only point in time where the past and future cross paths,so I need to make this quick.Tell M/n not to trust the white dragon,he'll screw us all over in the future and many people will die!We opted to bring you two into the future but that would mess things up horribly."

"White dragon?Who the hell is that and who are you?"He dismissed my question and continues to tell me that an unfortunate event that will lead to us being put into some type of hyper sleep.
"How old are you?"

"Irrelevant but I'm 16.Look this is my mission to guide and fix the flow of time.The universe is throwing everything it can to push for a second war but it ended horribly leaving many people dead but...It was foretold that you and M/n were still young during the second wizard war.
Like in your thirties young but if you two are here....Then..we have no choice but to interfere.Please forgive us all but this needs to happen."I asked that he give me a name incase this would ever happen again.
"Call me Eugeo.Till next time Tom."


"Wait for what Mister Riddle?"The world had started up once again and the nurse showed a face of worry.M/n was now sitting up,stretching his arms and finally looks over at me then waves happily at me.

|M/n pov|
Tom looked a bit troubled for a moment but shakes his head.
"Miss Carol,may I speak with M/n alone?"

"Ah of course love!Give me a ring if you need anything."She smiles lovingly as she walked out of the room.
"M/n...Have you encounter a white dragon while you slept?"Tom asked cautiously,I nod recalling a two people calling themselves dragons.
"Frey and Kvasir,How did you know?"

"Describe them for me."Confused I explained that Kvasir was tall,hair as dark as the night,red eyes,and had black wings while Frey was his opposite,White hair,also tall,blue eyes,and white wings.Tom told me not to trust Frey no matter what then explained that someone called Eugeo told him about what could probably happen to us this year.

I smile kindly and telling him that no matter what's to come we'll face it head on!

But I couldn't help but wonder why Frey was not to be trusted.He mirror's what a good person should be,I mean they both do...
Kvasir is there something you can't say around Frey?
Tom told me about how my father stayed by my side the day I was poisoned.Dumbledore told them that Marluxia somehow escaped prison,used a student to kill another and to poison me,when the deed was done the student died in the forest.
"So he must think I'm dead huh?"

"Yeah,we'll I hope so.I thought that today would be a good day to tell you what happened."

"Thank you."Tom shakes his head and placed himself on the bed next to me.
He brought my work and we quickly got that out if the way so we could spend the time talking.


Night came and I was still awake,luckily Tom came back to keep me company.Tom came up with a few theories as to why people from the future are coming to the past and trying to fix things.
"Tom maybe they need too,I mean it seems pretty obvious but what's not is what causes the problem for them.We just need to listen to this Eugeo guy and not trust Frey until he comes back."

"Is it strange that I just noticed something about Emi the day you were poisoned?"Tom said holding his chen with his thumb and index finger.
I asked what he had noticed,he explained that Emi meantioned that she came from Dumbledore's office when he clearly remembers her going in the opposite direction of the office before they had left for the forest.
"Maybe she changed her mind?Plus it would of taken a few minutes for you guys to return to school grounds. "

"That could be possibility but we used Blares and Seruel's special ability on the way there but it took us five minutes because we ran all the way back.It takes almost twenty minutes to get from the teachers dorm to Dumbledore's office,if she went there in the first place."Tom was starting to make a whole lot of sense right now.
"That means we can't trust Emi either."

"We need to inform the others,now."He nods and hoisted me onto his back then quickly left the hospital wing.However we ran into Emi...
"Where are you two going?"

"M/n wanted a change of scenery,I'll have him back in two hours."

"Okay,I'll hold you too it."She walked off with her usual smile.I shivered at the possibility of Emi being an potential enemy.Tom(before we left)contacted the other and they should be waiting for us in the room of requirements and they were.
We quickly explained the situation to then and Elizabeth mentioned that it was strange how I ended up with the same Trolley woman.
"Yeah that is strange,you met her on your first day here,we you left for the break and when you came back.Not to meantion she started working here right away."Elizabeth further elaborated that it's not very common to see the same person in one year and that she hasn't seen the trolley woman from her first ride to Hogwarts.

Abraxas brought up the trip we took to see Tom Senior.
"Where did she run off too?"

"That's a good question,alright for now we proceed with caution but also act normal."


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A/n-Who do you think Eugeo is?What do you think he meant by hyper sleep?Do you think Emi isn't the sweet person she lead on to be?

If you have any theories put them in the comments section~


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