Winter in summer

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|M/n pov|
Summer vacation is finally here and like before everyone is going home.
It was our last time sitting under the tree for a whole two months.We watched as Tereus and Seruel play tag while speaking Idly about what we'd do during summer.
"We should make an attempt at meeting up at least two times a week to keep each other updated!"Lizzy said petting Blare.
"I'll try my best.I'll have training the majority of the time since I'm still a junior guard.."Cerim said pouting with his head in Meliodas's lap.
"Ugh I'm surrounded by couples!"

"You could always find someone Abraxas,just keep looking and they'll show up and love you~"

"I wounder how long that'll take given that Cerim and Meli just got together two weeks ago."Fleamont said poking the single males forhead.Abraxas sighs and said the last person he was interested in was only there for a one night stand and said it was awkward when he said that he wanted a relationship.
"That sucks.."

"I know...Maybe I'm meant to be a lone wolf in the dating world until that right one comes along?"

"That could be it."Abraxas groans angrily as we poke fun at him,one of the professors called out to our little gang and said it was time to go.It's sad to leave but we'll be back for fifth year.
"So where are we going again?"

"Oh!We're going to my sisters house in Windermere!"


I stretched my arms out and yawned when we hopped of the train.

"Winter?It's hot as hell out-"

"No I mean my sister Winter,sorry if that might of confused you."I said clearing up any type of misunderstanding.Tereus barks loudly startling many around us as they ogled his huge form along with Seruel who was like I thought slightly bigger.
"Brother dear!"

"Winter!"I ran and hugged my third oldest sister as she giggles;happy to see me after three years.
"Oh this must be the famed Tom Riddle junior?"

"How do you-Veronica must of told everyone."I sigh deeply knowing that she is the gossip queen of the aristocrats in our society.
"Yes it's nice to meet you Winter."

"Come now let's head to my house quickly before we keep the him waiting."

"Him-Oh wait!You mean your betrothed?"She nods with a blush and tell me all about him and then asked if I knew that Cerim was getting a sibling.I nod telling her I seen the current picture of his mother and father.

My sister then turned to asking Tom questions about how we became friends and he told her all the things that happened.
"Pft well i'll be damnd someone as strong as my baby brother! You two are adorable!"

"Ah geez sis!"

"Anyway,what do you plan on doing after school Tom?"Tom pauses for a moment with a drawn out expression of confusion.
"Hmm I might work for the ministry or at Hogwarts."


|Tom pov|
Winter from what I've seen is the calm sister yet still cheerful.The walk stops near an odd door and Winter taps on the door to which it opens displaying a field with a midsize house.

The walk stops near an odd door and Winter taps on the door to which it opens displaying a field with a midsize house

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"Welcome to my home!"

"Woah,it's not what I expected."Both M/n and Winter looked over at me smirking then said;
"Not all rich people have lavish houses~"I felt flushed by this but laughed and stepped by to let the two  dogs rush to run freely in the field.
Blare was a lazy little fox and just slept in the hood of M/n's jacket.
"MERLIN'S BEARD!WINTER THERE ARE TWO GIANT DOGS RUNNING IN OUR YARD!WHAT'S GOING-"The man with bright ruby red hair had finally realized that M/n and I were standing with Winter.
"Uhh Hello?Oh wait you there-"He said pointing at M/n before continuing.
"You're Winter's little brother!Oh it's an honor to meet you."He smiles and shakes M/n's hand,he then turns to and shakes my hand.
"And you're Tom!My name Siegbert Blanche-"

"As in the French British wizard family that crafts magic weaponry?"

"Yes my family came to England many years ago and became allies with the Bright family.Now let's get you boys settled in!"Even thought he was extremely startled by our familiars,He welcomes us quickly and ushers us into their home.

The sitting room was more open and full of light and flowers,also different from what I expected.
"So when do you two get married?"



"Oh sorry!I meant in winter haha,Her name has this confusing factor about it but it makes it worth explaining.Hmmm have you had a chance to figure out any Pendragon secrets?"Siegbert asked poring tea into an expensive earthly tea cups.
"Secrets?You mean like when M/n gets angry his eyes reflect that of a dragon?Or that he can speak Parseltongue?"

"Ahh so you have seen a few things.Winters eyes do the same and it's so adorable~Have you noticed anything else?"

"Hmm It seems his family has this habbit with tilting their heads but that not a secret it's just an adorable fact but what do you know?"I asked while watch M/n talking with Winter.They both had equally light freckles on their faces.
"Well I know they love warmer seasons and practically thrive in heat and stay at a warm constant temperature during colder seasons but since M/n is still young he has harder time doing so.
Hmm Oh!They're basically human cats with dragon habbits.They're able to eat food or drink anything that is still hot without flinching-"He point at the two drink the still scolding hot tea without an issue.
"Most of their magic is fire based,so they learn quicker when it comes to any fire type magic."

"Now that you mention it,M/n did struggle with a basic water spell some time ago...But why?"

"The fire in their body is where they draw power from."

"Okay let me get this straight,the Pendragon family are literal human dragons?"


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