With me/you?

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|M/n pov|
I hid my suit away from all eyes since I occasionally tutor people and hang put with the other members of Misfit.
Hogwarts was on high alert because of what happened to Jasper.Tereus and many other Tokota's from my home have been guarding the school grounds in order to sniff out any threat during the night.So when Tereus gets to my room the pooch goes to sleep.

Tonight is the night of the Yule ball and everyone is going home the next day for Yule vacation.I'm not going home this year,I'll be spending time at Claude's house.
"So Tommy!Where are you going tomorrow?"

"What do you mean?"

"Are you going home to see your family?"

"....I don't have a home nor a family..."I dropped a beaker and it shatters casing everyone to panic,I had forgotten that we were currently in potions.I myself panic and dropped down to clean it but Tom stopped me.
"You're crying...Why?"

"I-i...It's not fair...I'm sorry for your loss.."My voice came out sternly and the grip on my robe was tight.Tom calmed me down enough that I had stopped crying.Elizabeth came over since Slytherin and Hufflepuff have classes together.
"What's wrong buttercup?"Her voice cheerful yet worried as she placed a hand on my back.Tom fixed the Beaker which meant we'd have to redo a part of the potion.I told her I was okay and she smiled cutely.

Tom and I got back to work but his gaze lingers on me for a while before tapping my forehead with his index finger.
"Do you have a date for the Yule ball?"

"Ah!N-No what about you?"

"No,but I might."

"Oh good luck with asking whomever it is."Tom however kept staring at my face even when I looked away from him.He finally takes his eyes from me and looks at one of the smaller cauldron nearby before picking it up and placing it front of me.Though the cauldron is small the weight was unbearable,so in placing it on the table in the manner he did;a loud thud was heard.Many even stopped what they were doing to look over at us.
"Open it and pour this in."

"Are you up to no good?"

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good...Only for today that is."That was the deal breaker for me because Tom has never said our motto before and I did as told and fire works take off and loud bangs happen and the last fire work that went off displayed words that lingered.

M/n Jonty Pendragon the third,
Will you attend Yule with me tonight?

My face erupted in fire at the question and everyone was eagerly awaiting my answer.But then it made extremely happy because the person I wanted to ask in turn asked me first!
"OF COURSE!!"I jumped and hugged him.Elizabeth squealed happily at this because she too knew who I wanted to go with.
"I gotta tell the others!"Elizabeth ran out of the class without a second thought.

|Tom pov|
I'm not sure why it felt so good to hold him so close to my person...Maybe it's because I've never let anyone this close to me before...Anyway,our day played out normal with the addition of my asking M/n out to the Yule ball being the number one gossip of the school.
"I can't believe you did it mate!"

"Afternoon Bright,loud as ever I see and believe it because it happened."
Bright asked me if I was worried about the stigma of people judging us not for going to Yule with the same sex but the mere assumption that I would take advantage of M/n in a sexual sense.
"Tsk no,if they have a problem with me then it should be my problem.And I'm not going to corrupt M/n.What gave them the idea?"

"I mean you're a mysterious,smart,
bad boy!I see why they think that but at the same time you haven't shown any indications that you would go as far."Bright said slinging his arm around my shoulder and for the first time Bright seemed extremely serious.
"But if you hurt him,I'll personally kick your ass without the need of  magic."Bright's eyes gave off a glow that honestly put me off.
This is the stigma of the Bright family;protectors of the Royal castle of the wizard world.
"You have my word,I'd never hurt the person who has been nothing but kind to me."I wasn't lying,I want M/n to help me get to the top of the wizard world...With me.

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