The gift of family

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|Tom pov|
Joel is great company but I have a feeling that this kid is hiding something but I won't pressure him to talk about it...He reminds me of myself when I was at the orphanage;quiet,to myself and quite mysterious.
"I'm not like the other's,I can tell you're doing research on something that shouldn't be done."A sly smirk was clear as day on his youthful face.
"The question is,are you still going to go through with it?"I could actually see the aura of a Slytherin flowing around him like a snake.
Never knew a Kid could have such a strong aura...
"That depends,if I can find what I need and gather people to help me."

"Tsk,tsk~I'm sure my big cousin has changed your heart a bit.It's one of his many talents.A bright ray of sunshine and happiness.Makes it hard to betray his trust but you won't,I'll make sure of it."Joel said as he pulled down a few books.
"Why is it that you're so different?"

"Because M/n crashed so hard after our mothers passing.It was horrible to see him so depressed,I wanted to be that rock he needed after that day.I took to private studies since it was hard to work with my sisters.They're strong together than apart and I didn't want to be apart of that.I wanted to be strong on my own."Joel's voice sounded bitter and cold but I could tell he cares deeply.
"So,what magical abilities do you have?"

"Aura construct and mimicry."


"Aura construct is where I can create weapons and other materials made of aura.Mimicry is where i can mimic the auras of others, understanding their feelings and mimicking their magic.I took after my mother apparently."He said placing two books about his mother's ability in front of me.
"Campbell family:Wizards and witches of magical aura.."

"Your mother was an aristocrat?"

"How else do you think Royals marry?
As if my grandfather would allow my father to marry a normal witch.Rich people am I right?"He actually joke and I agreed.The libary door opens,it was M/n holding a tray of tea and some unknown pastry.
"What's that?"

"It's a muggle pastry called 'Manchester tart'."M/n said placing the tray on the table.Joels mouth waters and quickly takes one then starts digging in.
"It also happens to be Joel's favorit,he only eats it when I make it."

"I see."


After a while Joel fell asleep with his head on M/n's lap.
"This part of your family isn't what I thought it would be."

"What you thought they would be a bunch of snobs?"

"Well...Yeah,I'm not used to this."M/n laughs at me nearly kneels over in laughter.My face starts to warm up from it;Both feeling embarrassed and flustered by his cute laugh.
"Sorry but I hope you know that you're always welcome here,think of us as your family!"

|M/n pov|
He was visibly stunned by what I said to him.
"But I'm not-"

"So?Who cares if you're not blood related,We care about you.Though they met you yesterday,the triplets fancy you quite a lot and Claude said something about approval?Whatever that means."

"That bloody fool..."

"Hm?"He shakes his and continues to drink his tea.I then noticed three books about the Pendragon,Campbell,and Fairdale family...Fairdale..
"So,researching my family,Eh~"

"U-Uh!Joel wanted me to learn about the three and the strange magic you all hold.I'm impressed but in the family tree for Fairdale...Laura Fairdale married off but I dosen't say who."

"Laura Fairdale married into the Pendragon family and had four girls and one boy."I said turning to the family tree in the Pendragon book.
"Was she nice?"

"That's like asking if Hufflepuff aren't sweet beans!Yes my mother was nice,I wish you could of met her.I think she'd love you.Honestly,she loves everyone and sees good in all evil.
'There is always light to darkness.' She always told me that."I said smiling at the small portrait of my mother in the book.
"Tommy,family is a gift and I want you have it too!So my Uncle,the triples,my sisters and the Misfits are your family,Okay?"

"But why?"

"Because we care about you,we don't pitty you if that's what you think."

"No I don't think that,you all treat me the same...Thank you."Tom said in such a light and airy tone.It made me feel warm to see him at peace here.

"M/N!"Startled Tom drops the tea cup in a panic and Joel shot up when I jumped.
"Bloody hell that tea cup cost more than my life!"

"Don't worry."I said and repaired it then poured him more tea.Soon the doors to the library burst open and there stood Two of my sisters.
"Hello Charlotte,Diane."

"There's our dearest brother-Oh Daine this is Tom Riddle."

"Yo!"Daine said coolly.You see,she's the go with the flow sister;You know short hair,shape yet lazy eyes,radiates a chill aura,and is up for anything even if it means getting onto to trouble.
"Nice to meet you lady Daine."

"You're so damn formal!Lighten up kid!"She said patting his shoulder and Finn;Her weasel,runs from her sleeve and onto Tom's head and squeaks with excitement at meeting a new person.

"Sorry bout that Tommy boy!This is my familiar;Finn,he loves meeting new people."Tom nods and holds his hand out to Finn and the weasel understood,climbed onto his hand and squeaks again saying hi.
"He's small."

"Yup,not all familiars are big like Tereus."

"Really?Tell me more."My sisters smile and sit down and start to explain the basics of a familiar and how they're different for everyone and you could have your own.
"You don't pick the Familiar,they pick you."

"I see."We carried the rest of our conversation in the sitting room and everyone joined in.I could see enjoying himself even more as he engaged in mini debates.
I think his heart is warmer than before.
He really does fit in.

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