The random victim?

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|Tom pov|
Today was stressful in my opinion,girls kept coming up to me and giving me letters then run off.
M/n shyly accepted them but I knew he held no interest in the female population.He only saw them as friends or even like a sister but nothing more.
"So who are you going with?To the Yule ball I mean?"

"I'm not sure the person I have in mind wants to attend the Yule,let alone with me."

"You'll never know until you ask them."I said patting his shoulder then turned back to my book.The students all hustled around the quad except...Can't believe I'm saying this...The Misfits...We all sat peacefully.They chatted about things for their next class or a bit of gossip every now and again but it's better than sitting around stupid people..

This group proves worthy of my future plans.We all speak Parseltongue to keep people out of our business when needed.It didn't take long to teach the others since M/n is a more patient teacher than i.
"So we should go formal shopping today."

"Hmm Meli has a point,Yule is in three days and we're already dressed in normal clothes.So why not head out now?"M/n said dropping from the tree I had my back against.
"What should our colors be?"

"Black but in some sort of way representing our house and group."Fleamont said laying his head on Coppers lap and didn't notice the poor girl was flustered by his actions but I wouldn't expect it since their an item or together in better terms.
"After we get what we need,The quidditch match between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor is tonight."Bright said smirking at Fleamont.
"We're definitely going to win!"

"Like hell you will!"

"Wanna bet!"I sighed at their competitive behavior but their normal hormonal teen males,it's to be expected.
"Calm down or you'll blow a blood vessel."

"He's right,come everyone let's go~"M/n said with a spark and I mean a literal spark.
"What the hell!"

"Blimey!What was that!?"He blushed at our surprise.
"Uh,Hahahah it happens every now and again.Since I'm young and whatnot,my magic stigma isn't in check and it's been like this since I was five,so small sparks and random things will happen until I turn Eighteen.Soo in about three years this will stop."

"That is slightly terrifying..."I mumbled realizing he's been dealing with random out burst of his magical stigma for years.
"Yeah but like you know what they say in the wizard world;'It's a Pendragon thing.' And they're not wrong but I have it a lot worse because it started so early."

"Which mean it'll take longer to stop."
I nearly smirked at this.
Three years huh...He's such a trusting boy just to tell people things like this and from what I gather it's truly controlled by his emotional state.
How do I control it?
With that conversation over with we all left the quad and headed to Diagon alley.

The girls stole M/n away leaving me with His bestfriend,Abraxas, and  Fleamont.
"Alright let's look for a suit."

|M/n pov|
I'm not sure why they pulled me away but I didn't mind it at all.
"What have to find you a cute Suit that screams 'Move I'm gay!'."

"I'm not sure I want that..."

"No I don't mean for it to literally scream that,Hahaha!"Meliodas said pinching my cheek while giggling with Elizabeth.
"Lizzy dear let's get to work!"


"What about you two?"They picked out their dresses a month ago and would use magic to change the color to black.
"We're here for some costumes items to represent our house."

"Yep!I put in a special order on the way here for our misfit badges as well."Elizabeth said cutely.It's strange how we're both in a group with either flirtatious,stoic,
headstrong people and we're the cinnamon rolls as Meli calls us in the group.

They had me try on different suits and much to my horror most of them were dreadful and in poor taste,the two agreed.Two hours went by and i tried on 102 different suits.
"Ugh!This isn't going as I thought."Meli said throwing her hands up with a huff.Her brown locks bounded with her movement.
"Where's Lizzy?"

"GUYS!I FOUND ONE!"Elizabeth screeches happily while running over.
"They weren't wrong when they said Hufflepuff's we're good finders."

"Hahaha!Good job lizzy!Okay go try it on!"I nods taking the clothes from her and quickly changed.
Whoa I like!
I quickly show the girls and they cheer because we finally found the right one for me!
"I guess 103 was the charm."

"Indeed!We'll have to beat the boys and girls off with a stick!"


I stretched my arms out to the sun above but cringed when I noticed that it was incredibly bright.
"I don't remember it being that bright.."

"That's because we were in a store for two hours and it was dim in there-"
Meliodas was interrupted by the most blood curdling scream in existence and we ran to the crowd and pushed our ways through to find a petrified first year...The one I met and helped during DADA tutor section.My eyes widened and I quickly ran over to her.
"Bloody hell!"I pulled out my book looking for a way to help her and one solution was with my blood.
"Sorry for this."I cut my hand and wedge her mouth open and dropping a few drops in.
"M/n what are you-"

"Give it a moment!"I yelled back to Lizzy.A minute nearly passes on before the poor girl started to regain warmth to her cold skin,her body unlocks and starts to relax,then her chest starts to move.Not once did I stop to think about my cut and the blood leaking from it.
"She's okay!"One of the many people in the crowd yelled.Cerim ran over and grabbed my hand and starts to bandage it up.
"Get he back to Hogwarts immediately!As a perfect I order all students back to the school!This is an emergency!A student has been attacked!!"Cerim yelled and the students quickly do as told.


Every student was gathered into the grand dinner hall after the incident.
"If it weren't for Prince M/n and his quick acting Jasper Baggins would of surely died today."Everyone cheered and call me a hero and I'm not good with this attention.
"This is nothing to celebrate!"I yelled shocking everyone.
"We have an issue on our hands!Someone has attacked a muggle born student and none the less a student of this great school.We have to protect each other!"

"He-He's right!"Elizabeth yelled running to the front to stand next to me,soon Fleamont,Meliodas,Cerim,
Abraxas and surprisingly Tom came up.
"We have to stand together even if were in different houses and it shouldn't even matter how you got here!Be like us the Misfits!"

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