Chapter 37: Wrong Person to Run into on an Empty Stomach

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A/N: slightly gory




"Just shut the fuck up," I whisper-yelled at my stomach, jabbing both elbows into it as if that would keep it quiet. "I know you're bloody hungry."

I had no idea what time it was. The darkness was like sludge across my eyes, not unlike the sludge I'd trudged through to find a small island of safety. I could waggle my fingers in front of my face and not even know how many I held up. Which gave me grave concerns on how I'd find the manhole again.

My stomach began it's monotonous tune again and my throat decided it needed to cry out too. I gave a dry cough that had me hacking and wheezing.

I think you need to leave this place, Chiya commented.

"Way to state the obvious," I mumbled as I stood and stretched. My muscles were tight from being curled up on the only dry island in the sewers.

All things considered, the smell wasn't as bad as I expected but maybe I just got used to. What was bad were the sounds down here. Everything echoed in the tunnels and because of the darkness, I couldn't pinpoint where it came from. It could have been coming from at my feet and I wouldn't even know.

Sloshing my way to the ladder was a task and a half. I didn't remember how far away it was so I prowled along with my arms outstretched, seeking the rusted iron rungs.

What are you going to do when you get out? Chiya asked.

"First point of call is food and water then we will find another place to hide. Hopefully Mr Yoruichi is sorting out how to get back into the Seireitei with the others," I muttered out loud. Otherwise we're screwed.

I felt her frustration at my reply. We couldn't fight, couldn't escape the walls and hiding for Chiya was like tucking our tail between our legs and retreating.

My fingers brushed something cold and slimy and instinctually took hold. My other hand reached overhead. Another rung.

"I've found it."

It was slow going up the rungs and twice I slipped when I misdirected my hand and grabbed air. The rungs coated in what felt like jelly didn't help matters for my trembling, cramped fingers. It hadn't been this hard before but maybe I didn't notice all this in my haste to scrabble down.

I wondered how close I was to the top. I'd have to be hooked around a rung just to balance when I reach the manhole lever to throw it—


I teetered on the rungs, my centre of gravity throw backwards until I was at tipping point. Only a force of will plastered me back on the iron. My head throbbed, right on the crown, and already there was a headache blooming behind my eyes.

Manhole – 1, Kera's head – 0

There was a colour stream of curses from my mouth, Chiya's laughter not helping matters. I took a few moments to recover before finding the indentation in the manhole. Now came the fun part. Deciding it would be easier to sit on the topmost rung and hook my legs down and under the next one, I crammed and contorted my torso until my left ear was pressed to the manhole, my neck crinked to the point I knew I'd regret and my hands splayed in preparation. If my legs had been snakes, I'd be constricting the rungs within an inch of their life.

Taking a deep breath in, I tensed all my muscles in preparation. With a loud exhale I shoved the manhole with all my might. It moved up and daylight blinded me. I froze and winced. At that same moment, some oaf landed full force on the manhole.

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