Part 10 - I hate ( Love) You...

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Third, 's Person POV

Forth is doomed. He knows what his heart wanted to. His mind says to himself that he is playing with ice the moments he is falling for Beam Baramee. But then he is might a fire, his gut telling him he can melt the ice, he can tame him. But he not that sound confident though. It is only on his thoughts. But was Beam is the ice?. He doesn't know either.

The irony is, What he doesn't know, the ice already melting but seem it will freeze again.

None of his afternoon classes enters his brain right now.  His mind has been busy thinking for some of the pickup line.

The worse he can think is pretend as a stranger or not sober when he hit the club and he thought about it a lot...

Are you busy tonight at last call?.

Might work if Beam not busy with girls. But they are not totally stranger with each other though. Forth sigh for the umpteenth time.

Are you going to finish those drinks?

Forth thoughts it might work too.

Did you steal my beer? That one looks just like the one I was drinking.

Well, this already happened for quite some time although he didn't even think that was a pickup line. And Beam is the one who always drinks his beer before. They key word is before. Forth think this might work with Beam latter.

Or the worse at worst he thinking to...

Do you want to dance?...

Well Forth thinking he could bring back the memory at the ball last time with the dance at the club with Beam.

Or the lamest How are you doing tonight.?

Forth sigh,  again and again, he doesn'tything about Beam aside that Beam was close with Phana and Kit and he the fact he was the most famous Casanova at KU. They are not that close anyway. That only explains thing was hard between these two taller men and a shorter one.

While Forth's knight, Lam, keep gazing from behind at Forth who seated beside Posh and Park at the front seat at the class. If it even possible, Lam wanted to enter Forth's mind and take control of his thoughts instead.

He wasn't pleased with all when knowing that Forth head over heels with Beam Baramee. He is worried like a mother hen while the other 3 Frank, Posh and Park still not bother much. But Forth knew his gang really do care about him. Forth can sense someone gazing over him from behind and he can't just turn around to meet the eyes, thinking it harder to confront Lam at this moments.

Forth sigh again for the nth time. He is sure thinking a lot of things lately.

I know Nong Ming might help me because I am his senior. After all, they all supported me when I declared I fall for someone and he I know he knew that person is Beam Baramee.

But something is not quite added. Why he seems to know more than anyone else?. Ai Pha and Ai Kit don't not even bother giving me the hint. And Why did Nong Ming so bother out about this?.

Forth smile thinly, he mumbles in low voices " But I must thank him for giving me some sort of thought. "

I almost giving up...

Beam is so out of my league anyway. Someone like me just like a Knight for a Prince-like him. He is a Prince. Still, I hoping for a chance.

And did Beam really waiting for me as Nong Ming said? So why did he keep flirting with girls?. I don't understand him. I can't read him. I am not mind reader too. How I wish to be the one though. Fuckkk!!

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