You done fucked up

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(Alastors POV)

Alastor awoke to a shrill scream from right beside him, as well as a kick to the side. Immediately, he was up and looking for his darling.

"(Y/N)?? are you alright dear? what happened?!" he asked, panic spilling into his voice. Looking around to spot her, he saw a writhing figure sitting halfway across their king-size bed, whispering frantic cries of 'it's not real'

Snapping on the lights, he got a real look at her...and it wasn't good. Tear tracks streamed down her puffy red cheeks, and a wide, broken look was in her eyes...what could have happened? Inching to her, she locked eyes with him and gave an anguished cry again, eyes darting around frantically.

Christ, she's trembling!

Alastor grabbed her hand, trying to calm her down

"No! get away from me!" she screamed, shoving his hands away and kicking about.
Alastors eyes widened, shocked. Get away? What did she mean by get away? What had happened?

"Murderer! MURDERER! you took me! you TOOK me!" she cried.

Finally, it clicked.

"(Y/N)...did you have another dream?" he asked cautiously, hand trembling. Somehow, he already knew the answer.

Shaking her head frantically, (Y/N) began to sob uncontrollably, hugging herself and mumbling incoherent curses, it made Alastors stomach drop.


"i-it was you! You the whole time, how could you lie to me? I t-trusted you!" she sobbed, burying her head on her hands. Alastor stopped dead, looking away, a knot tied in his stomach.

of course it was true, Alastor had killed the love of his life. It wasn't supposed to come out like this though. Who was he kidding? She was bound to find out. It was only a matter of time before he lost her...although he hoped she'd never find out.

This was nothing short of what he deserved.

If only he had known back then. How could he do this? Take his only chance at happiness and crush it. Typical Alastor. God, (Y/N) didn't deserve this, he might, but she didn't...

Reaching out once more, Alastor felt his hand being shoved away harshly to the side.

"Don't you hear me? how could you! I trusted you... I loved you" (Y/N) voice cracked at that word, a hysterical sob escaping her. Alastor felt a tear slip down his cheek, his face morphing into an ashamed grimace. It wasn't supposed to happen, not like this.

grabbing at her head, she stood up shakily, nearly falling over. Alastor reached to help her, but only got a slap to the hand, and a stab to his heart.

"don't touch me, monster!" she yelled, pointing at him accusingly. Alastor felt another blow to his heart, recoiling as if he'd been burned.

you deserve this.

its what you get.

It was only a matter of time.

Fool, you thought it would just be rainbows and sunshine forever? This is Hell you're living in Alastor.

"You're the bastard who killed me!" (Alastor/Reader)Where stories live. Discover now