Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Chelsea loaded her two guns, wearing all black. Her red hair tied up in a ponytail, wanting to find her siblings. 

It was dark out, everyone was tired so they went to sleep. Chelsea takes this chance to find them. 

She was gone for a long time. 

Alex's Point Of View 

"Where's Chelsea?" Amber ask, walking into the living room. "Probably getting food from the city," Gabe replied, shrugging. "Is the television working?" Max ask, grabbing the remote. 

"Yes it is!" Max smiles widely, "hi this is news from the UK. Phoenix strikes again, but Skulls is out of sight. Phoenix this time striked in New York, may god bless them." 

Max changed to another channel. 

"Hi, this is news from New York City. Here, we are running out of food and water. People are dying. And there's no sight of saving anywhere." The screen was black, only the voice could be heard. 

"Where is the army?" The woman cried, "your people are dying!" 

"Okay, enough tv." I say, and Gabe turns off the television. 


The doors suddenly open, Gabe quickly stood up. A glint of red flashes in all the Collins' eyes. Blake stood there, his cheek has a scar now. 

"Blake!" The Collins relaxed. Then we noticed he was carrying Chelsea. 

"Don't worry, she's just tired." Blake assured us. "Come on," I carry Chelsea in my arms. "Let's go get in clean up, bud." Gabe says to Blake. 

"Oh hey little gal." Blake greeted Amber. "I am not little," Amber frowns. "Hey Chelsea, wake up." I say, walking up the stairs. 

"No, I am very comfortable." Chelsea murmurs. 

"Yeah, because it's my arms." 

"Shut up, you cocky son of a bitch." 


Chelsea's Point Of View

After I showered, I went down the stairs. Then I heard helicopters outside, suddenly the SWAT team swung in the windows. 

"Chelsea Collins, you're under arrest." 

I look at the rest with confusion, "are you kidding me? I just took a nice shower." 

So here I am, in the stupid meeting room again. I never win this shit, stupid people. 

"Did Phoenix took The Collins?" The judge ask, "false." The three companies say at once. 

"False." Jennifer from The Afterlifes' says. "What?" I look at her. "That's not true, how could you say that?" She showed me her arm. 


So now, there's no Afterlifes'. Great. 

"Okay judge, remember The Deaths?" I ask, standing up. "Yes, miss." He replied. 

I took out my jacket and show him my tattoo. "The Deaths are back and I am boss." 


"Okay, from now on. Everything will resume to normal." The girls gave me a glare, "Chelsea, I hope you find your siblings soon." 

"Thank you very much," I say, with slight sarcasm in my tone. 

"The Deaths and The Skulls collided on this day." 

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