Chapter 119 another

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I look around and see that we are in a building and my arms seems to be repaired.

Ash:Am I dreamin...?

I feel a bit too real for that. I form a sword.

Ash:My weapons usaully dont work like that here...

???:Your good?

I see a human like female infront of me but its blue.

Ash:What the hell...?

I see it talking to osira


The blue figure looks back at me.



Ash:So who or what are you?

???:Im a master ai.

Ash:Another one!?

I form my sword.

Osira:Ash wait!

Ash:No the last one attacked my group and tried to manipulate us into killing each other!

I go to slash at her she catches my blade

???:im not like that thing.

She waves her hand down and my face gets shoved onto the ground.


???:Right now I could kill you...but I dont. Is that enough reason for you to trust me? I saved all of you while you were passed out in the snow.

She talks with little to no emotion.


Im suddenly able to move again.

Ash:Where are we?

???:I will warp you out.


???:I cannot trust you to know that.


???:Who says dera doesnt scoop the knowledge out your brain and pinpoint me.

Ash:...fair point. Why did you "rescue" us?


Ash:You had no reason to do that. You surely want something.

???:Im starting to think you dislike my kind entirely.

Ash:They have been crazy so far.

???:I just didnt want to let you sit out in the snow. If a corpus driver came through you guys might have been captured.

Ash:I still dont trust you.. dont take it personally.

???:understandable I dont need you to trust me.

Ash:So you and dera have the same powers eh?

???:To an extent yes. Seeing as I dont control a planet she clearly has a boost over me.

Ash:...But can you still like...make data things?

She snaps and a kubrow appears.


Ash:So you in some way are connected to the simulacrum?

???:Yes. Im surprised. Most people dont know they are linked. But ive heard of you and your accomplishments.

She snaps and a little robot rolls over to titania and starts tending her wing.

???:Come with me.

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