Chapter 126 the means to and end

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Its around earth morning time.

Ash:its time.

I walk out into the halls and see everyone getting there the sam etime as me.

Ash:You guys ready to end this?

A loud yeah booms through the room.

Ash:Everyone remembers who they are with and what they are hitting right?

Everyone nods.

Lylat:I sent out the message! Our allys should be on there way too.

Ash:All of us are going to take three different lichets okay? We will meet up back here. No trying to meet up on planet understood.

Everyone nods.

Ash:Alright. Lets get movin!

We all break into our teams and hop in lichets and start heading down to the planet. We see tons of ships heading down with us the others we sent calls too. This surely will be the end one way our another.

Rins:Holyyy shit. Thats alota ships!

Lylat:Way more then I thought would appear!

Valkyr prime:At this point we are a fleet.

Ash:We should hold back a sec.

Rins:What why?! Dont tell me your scared!

Stalker:No because we will need the chaos the other cause in order to be successful. We cant go right for the middle at the start. They would just put there best there and slaughter us.


We see the ships pass by infront of us.

Ash:Lets win this...

///////////Namias group////////

Arch:Well here we go..

Locke:Tyst you sure you okay?

Shes shaking crazily. About to knock herself over.

Tyst:The sooner we land...the better.

We go into earths atmosphere and see a ton of shell lights looking up at us.


Locke:Seems like they were expecting us!

Arch:Oh shit our guys were ready too!


We see missles rain down on the planet hitting tons of the shells. So many explosives hit dirt and dust cover the ground.

Namia:And we are touching down! Archwing time guys!

We jumps out of the ship and go into our archwings and fire down as we land except for tyst. She just hops down.

Namia:Tyst are you?

As im still floating down I see her mouth open


She starts swinging and tearing into shells as we finally touch down and land. We instantly have to start firing due to how many shells there are.





As we are fighting a shell tries to tackle me but a grineer tackles him mid air and shoots him five times in the head with a shotgun.

Grineer marine:DIE!

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