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(3rd Person POV)

He paced around his room anxiously, stress making his heart race and anxiety skyrocket.

"Where are they!" He muttered angrily to himself, impatience driving him up a wall.

His pace quickened as his white eyes shined brighter in the dim light.

He was waiting for his servants to return from their journey.

"If you pace any faster you'll make a hole in the floor." A silky voice teased with a light chuckle.

The man stopped and turned to face the owner of the voice.

In the doorway stood a girl, about the age of 17, looking intently at the man with her red irises.

She had long, silk like black hair with white spots, small horns that twist out of the top of her head and a small, red galaxy gem around her neck.

Her red and black demon wings tucked in behind her back as she walked into the room and her long black, spiky tail swishing around behind her.

"There you are, Night! Where have you been!" The man growled.

The girl chuckled. "Relax sir. I went to check up on your daughter before I came in here. I have what you asked for too." The girl- Night- replied lightly.

"Why are you checking on my daughter? I told you to get here as soon as you had what I asked!" The man scolded.

"Sorry sir. She just seemed so lonely." Night said, hanging her head in shame.

The man sighed, knowing his daughter was probably wondering where her daddy was. "And where's your partner in crime?"

She lifted her head up to look her master in the eye."Oh Lava? He said he needed to do something. Wouldn't tell me what, as always. Aren't you scared he may betray you?"

The man glared at Night.

"Don't you dare even think that he would betray us! He's one of my most loyal servants and has proved himself to me more than anyone here!" He scolded yet again.

Night put her hands up in defense and hung her head again.

"I'm sorry my lord. Forgive me."

The man just growled.

"Just give me what I asked for and get out of my sight. If you see Lava send him to me."

Night nodded and pulled out an amulet from her black jumper pocket and tossed it to the man.

He caught it and admired it's beauty in the light of his white eyes and the red stone torches.

"Is that all my lord?"

"Yes, Night. You can go." The man replied, not looking away from the amulet.

The girl nodded and quietly walked out of the room.

The man flipped the small piece of jewelry in his hands, admiring the amethyst gem surrounded by gold.

"The great Budder God's most precious gem... Interesting." The man muttered to himself.

Childish laughter filled the hallway outside the man's room as a small little girl skipped into the room, startling the man.

He hid the precious gem in his back pocket and faced the girl, smiling brightly.

"Daddy! Where have you been! I wanted to play with you today!" The little girl whined as she walked over to her father.

"I'm sorry Aj. Daddy had some... Work to do." The man apologized, hesitating only to find the right word to say.

The little girl jumped into the man's arms and giggled.

"It's okay Daddy! Night played with me for a little bit!" Aj exclaimed excitedly.

The man stroked his daughter's short, black hair and smiled, her blond highlights seeming to glow in the red lighting.

"She did?"

His daughter nodded quickly. "Yeah! She played Shadow Wars with me!" She exclaimed happily, making a black ball of mist appear in her hand then allowing it to dissipate into the air.

The man chuckled at his daughter's excitement and put the girl down.

"Are you hungry?"

The girl nodded eagerly, making the man laugh.

"Alright you. What do you want to eat?"

"Potatoes!" Aj cheered with a bright smile.

The man chuckled and opened his mouth to reply, but was interrupted by a knock at the door.

"I am sorry my lord, am I interrupting something?" Someone asked from the door way.

The man looked towards the voice and saw another man standing there.

This new man had lava-like hair that seemed like it flowed like water in a stream.

He wore an ashy grey jacket with a maroon undershirt, dark brown pants and black boots with their signature lava red soles.

His lava colored eyes met the man's glowing white ones almost the second he had walked into the room.

"Not at all Lava. I was just about to go fix dinner for my daughter and I. Would you like to join us?"

Lava shook his head. "No thank you my lord. I will be in my room if you need me."

The man nodded and watched his most loyal and trusted servant bow and leave the room.

"Lava is so cool daddy!" Aj exclaimed, giggling.

The man smiled down at the girl.

"He is isn't he. C'mon, let's get you your potatoes."

"Yay!" The little nine year old squealed, skipping out of the room.

The man chuckled and followed his daughter out of the room, hiding the amulet in a locked drawer as he left.

His plan was starting to come into action.

Herobrine's Planजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें