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Skybrine slid his sword smoothly out of the recruit's stomach, an almost sadistic grin on his face.

The recruit looked up at her leader in horror as the life left her soft green eyes and she fell limp against the castle wall.

Her partner had run off a while ago, no doubt to warn the Generals of Skybrine's presence.

But he didn't care.

He wanted to see their faces as he killed them off slowly, one by one.

"Adam?! What the Nether?!" A familiar voice exclaimed.

Skybrine's grin grew into a smile of malice as he slowly turned to face his old friends.

Ty stood at the front of the small group, his sword in it's sheath.

"Hello Deadlox. Missed me?"

Ty quickly unsheathed his sword and pointed it at Skybrine, glaring at him.

"No need to be hostile Ty, I'm just having fun."

"You call this fun?!" Ian asked, bewildered.

"You're sick." Jason spat.

"What's gotten into you Adam?" Quentin growled.

"One at a time please." Skybrine hissed. "And to answer your question, Fish, Lord Herobrine has just opened my eyes to a new perspective on the world."

"Watching you all cower away from me in fear, the blood draining from your body as I stab my sword through your chest, hearing you scream and beg for mercy, pleading for the old, weak Sky to come back, that's what I take pleasure in."

"W-Why Sky? What did Herobrine offer you for you to betray us like this?!" Ty roared, on the verge of tears.

Skybrine chuckled. "Lord Herobrine offered me nothing but strength over my enemies, power over the weak, and the satisfaction of watching a slow, painful death."

"Where has your compassion and remorse gone Adam?! The Sky we know wouldn't be saying or doing anything like this! You love your recruits so much you'd give your life for them!"

He snorted. "Give my life for these worthless weaklings? If you haven't noticed, I was able to take down all your defenses and a few bystanders without breaking a sweat! They didn't put up a good fight at all!"

"I doubt you gave them a chance!"

"Oh I have them a chance Jason, I looked them in the eyes and told them to fight. They didn't even try to scratch me!"

"That's because the respect you Sky! You were their king!"

"I still am aren't I? Unless one of you idiots replaced me in a matter of one night."

"We can't replace you Sky, but we can ban you from the base."

"So it's a fight you want? A fight for my kingdom? Well then-" Skybrine chuckled darkly, raising his bloodied sword. "-A fight you shall receive. Am I fighting all of you? Or one?"

"We don't want-"

"Fine, I'll take all of you on at once." Skybrine growled, lunging at Ty.

He yelped in surprise and barely missed Skybrine's attack.

Ty gulped and faced his friend with his sword raised.

He didn't want to fight, but if he didn't, people would die. He would die.

And it would be Ty's fault.

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