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A scream forced Ian out of his dreams, his body jolting up into a sitting position.

"Ian get out here now! Skybrine's back with orders to kill!" Someone yelled, banging harshly on the door.

Ian jumped to his feet and grabbed his sword, swinging his door open and rushing out to the court yard.

"Glad you could join us, Ian! You're just in time to die." Skybrine growled, his bloodied diamond sword seeming to gleam in the early morning light.

Ian glared and looked around.

His friends seemed to be struggling, their breathing heavy and sweat beading their foreheads.

What all had he missed?

"Ian focus!" A voice growled in his ear.

He turned to face Seto. "Sorry. What's the plan?"

"Adam doesn't know this yet, but he has the power to change himself back, we just need to get him to the point where he doesn't want to fight anymore then we can tell him." Seto explained quickly.

"He can do that?"

Seto nodded. "Herobrine made the mistake of giving Adam his amulet back. Now c'mon! We've got a friend to save."

Ian nodded and joined the battle.

"More people to kill? You shouldn't have." Skybrine sneered, charging at Ian.

The two men raised their swords, the metals clashing together loudly.

Skybrine pushed Ian back with tremendous force, causing the man to fall on his back.

"Anyone else want to join their friend on their butts?" Skybrine growled, his white eyes glaring down at Ian.

He picked up his sword and knocked the possessed man's away, making it land at the sorcerer's feet.

Seto picked it up quickly and sheathed it, holding his own sword out.

Ian scrambled up to his feet and pointed his blade at his once caring friend.

"C'mon Adam, this isn't you." Ian said.

Skybrine put his hands up in surrender, his mouth twisted in a slight smirk.

"Alright, you caught me. You going to kill me like you did master?" He spat at Ian.

Ian's breathing hitched for a second out of shock.

Leaving his guard down.

Skybrine grinned maniacally and knocked the sword out of Ian's hand, into his own.

"Oh look, the tables have turned. Now I can get my revenge." His eyes glowed with malice as he pressed the tip of the blade against Ian's chest.

"A-Adam please, you're not a killer. You care for people, your recruits, us!"

"The only person I care about is Master and his servants." he sneered.

"That's just because he wants you to hate us! Adam he's possessed you!"

Skybrine seemed to freeze for a second. "S-So what if he is? I don't care."

"Because that's what he wants you to think. Do you really want someone controlling your every thought and action?" Ian taunted.

"I-I... He's not controlling me." He growled, pushing the blade harder against Ian's chest.

"Yes he is! Why are you here? Because he ordered you to kill us didn't he? You're obeying him because you're possessed to! Snap out of it Adam!"

Adam's eyes widen and the white light dims slightly.

He let's the sword fall from his grip and looked down slightly.

"I don't know how to feel compassion anymore... All of it is gone." he muttered sadly, "Serving him fills that emptiness."

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