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Erin jolted awake and looked around frantically, taking in her surroundings.

She registered Seto laying across from her, his eyes open and glowing a faint white, and froze.

When he didn't move, she slowly crawled over to him and shook the sorcerer lightly.

Still nothing.

Sighing she placed her hands on his arm and muttered a few words under her breath.

When nothing happened again, she growled and stood up.

She could hear screams and swords chasing outside and ran to the window, which overlooked the battle below.

Wither skeletons, blazes, zombiepigmen, ghasts, and magma slimes all fought together against a large mass of humans in the castle courtyard.

The generals for the mobs; Skybrine and Herobrine, the humans; Team Crafted.

Erin gasped as a hand clamped down on her shoulder and spun her around.

"Who are you and how'd you bring me out of what Herobrine did?" Seto growled, his eyes flashing a deep amethyst purple.

"C-Calm down. I-I won't hurt you." Erin stuttered, her hands held up in defense.

"Who. Are. You?"

"Erin, now can you let me go?" She asked, walking forward.

Seto pushed her back against the wall again.

"How'd you free me?"

"A simple light spell. Would you like some help getting out of this cell and saving your friends or not?"

Seto tilted his head to the side confused and Erin sighed, pointing to the window.

"Look out there while I go work on the lock."

Seto reluctantly let the little girl go, allowing her to rush past him, and walked to the window.

Erin hastily muttered words under her breath as she placed her hands on the cell door and they glowed a warm gold.

After Seto had taken in the scene below, he turned to see Erin had opened the door and was walking out.

"C'mon Seto, wouldn't want your friends to die would you?"

Seto shook his head and followed the girl closely.

Erin maneuvered the hallways quickly, taking seemingly random turns and finally making it out the front door.

"C'mon, if we're lucky, we can teleport your friends out of here."

Seto nodded once as the two ran through the chaos to the team.

Once they reached the team, Erin told them to prepare for a scenery change.

They nodded and continued to fight, allowing Erin to do her thing.

She started muttering the spell under her breath, her eyes glowing a light gold, and the Sky Army slowly started to disappear.

"NO!" A feminine voice screamed as a demon like girl flew over the crowd.

The whole army was almost gone by the time the girl had reached Erin, slashing her back just as they all were teleported away.

Erin screamed in pain and fell onto the soft grass of the overworld, blood seeping out of her back.

Seto's eyes widened and he picked her up carefully, rushing into the castle.

He ran all the way up to the infirmary, but froze a few blocks away from the doorway.

He snarled at the man standing over an unconscious mudkip.

"Its you! What'd you do to Sky?!" Seto roared.

The other man chuckled, kicking Quentin to the side.

"What happened was all master's doing. All I did was show up!"

Seto glared and backed into the infirmary.

"Leave us alone and give us our friend back." He growled as Erin fell limp in his arms.

Lava chuckled darkly. "I have orders to follow, Seto, and they do not involve you or your friend."

Seto laid Erin on a cot, keeping his eyes on Lava, then turned to face him.

"I have an order for you that I doubt you'll refuse."

Lava tilted his head to the side slightly interested. "Oh?"

Seto smirked. "Yeah, I need for you to sleep now."

Before the man could react, Seto thrust his hand out towards him and yelled a spell.

A purple ball hit Lava's chest, turning his eyes a deep purple as well.

He swayed, then fell to the floor, out cold.

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