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Adam grinned maniacally and the scenery around the three changed into all different shades of red, orange and yellow.

Mitch gulped and looked around frantically, just as those who were out cold started to stir.

"Wha- where are we?" Ian asked, jumping to his feet first.

"In my domain, or as you people call it, the nether." a voice boomed and in a bright flash of light, Herobrine appeared next to Skybrine.

The others stumbled to their feet and joined Mitch and Jerome, all except for Ty who was no where to be seen, same with Quentin.

"My Lord what an excellent surprise of you to show up." Skybrine exclaimed.

Herobrine chuckled and looked at the team.

"My, Skybrine, you brought the whole army back with you!"

"Of course my lord, although, they don't fancy being here."

"We can change that can't we."

Skybrine chuckled darkly and looked at the, quite startled, army before him.

"Of course we can, Master."

And with that, an army of zombie pigmen appeared behind the two.

"Sky army versus Herobrine's Army?" Mitch asked, looking at Jerome.

He smirked and raised Betty. "Bring it Biggums."

Then, the nether broke loose into an all out war.

<In the Overworld>

Quentin sighed as he gently set Ty down on the cot.

He had already wrapped Ty's shoulder and practically shoved a healing potion down his throat, now he just had to let Ty rest.

Looking around the hospital one last time, Quentin walked out the door.

He continued to walk down a long hallway and as he passed a cross road, someone bumped into his legs.

"Hey watch where you're-" he froze when he looked down.

"Who are you?" The little girl giggled, messing with his pant leg.

Frantic footsteps echoed down the hallway she had appeared from and a few seconds later, a man ran out of the shadows.

His flame colored eyes landed on Quentin with the little girl almost instantly.

The man glared and summoned two balls of boiling lava in his hands.

"Who are you and what are you doing with Lord Herobrine's daughter?" He growled.

Quentin's eyes widened and he took a few steps back from the little girl.

"I-I'm sorry, I-I didn't know she was h-his."

"Liar." the man hissed, his orange eyes flashing with anger. "Aj, go back to Night."

"There's more of you here?!" The mudkip hybrid exclaimed.

The man smirked. "Oh you bet, fish. I bet you are wondering where all of your friends have gone. Well, give me the pleasure of telling you they are all at Lord Herobrine's palace."

Quentin gasped and took a few more steps away from the man.

"What are you doing to them?"

The man grinned. "Aj, please go see Night."

The little girl nodded and ran off.

"Master Herobrine is most likely defeating your army with his own army as we speak. Your precious little friends will probably end up in our cozy dungeons along with your sorcerer friend."

Quentin narrowed his eyes and took a bold step forward.

"I'm not going to let that happen."

The other man chuckled. "It already has."

And the fight began.

Really crappy ending I'm sorry!

Trying to get a few last minute chapters in before thanksgiving.

That and I may or may not be grounded >_<

Herobrine's PlanΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα