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(3rd Person POV)

The two ran through the trees towards their friend, swords unsheathed and eyes peeled for any danger.

The sun had risen high into the sky when they found their friend's limp form.

The sorcerer groaned and rubbed the back of his head, stirring.

"Seto!" Jerome exclaimed, rushing over to his side.

Seto winced and shook his head as if to clear it at the sound of his voice.

"What are you doing here? Did you follow me?" Seto mumbled groggily, adjusting himself on the tree.

"Are you okay Seto?" Mitch asked, ignoring the sorcerer's questions.

Seto nodded and stood up shakily.

"Where's Adam?" He asked.

Jerome's worried look turned to a look of sadness as his shoulders moved up, then down in a shrug.

"Herobrine did something to him..." The bacca muttered quietly.

"Its okay Biggums. Let's get Seto back to base. Then we can talk about what happened."

Seto and Jerome nodded as the trio started to make the long journey back.

As Jerome walked, he could've sworn he saw two glowing orange eyes in the leaves, but when he took a cursory glance, they disappeared.

Jerome shook it off, thinking it a trick of the light, and kept walking.

"Seto, you feeling better?" Mitch asked.

Seto nodded. "Yeah, my headache is gone. Praise Notch."

Jerome chuckled and looked up at the sky.

"Looks like a storm is coming guys. We'd better hurry." He pointed out, looking down at his friends.

They looked up, then nodded and quickened their pace.

Before they could break through the tree line, a red and orange blur ran across their path.

Jerome jumped back, startled, but grabbed his axe, Betty, off his back.

"Who's there? Show yourself!" Mitch called out, unsheathing his sword.

Seto mumbled something under his breath and two fire-like wisps appeared in both of his palms.

There was a rustle of movement as the blur ran across the ground behind the group.

They moved closer to each other, back pressing against back.

The blur circled closer to the group, speeding up.

"Anyone else feeling like they can't breathe properly?" Mitch asked, rubbing his throat with his free hand.

Seto cursed and moved closer to the other two men, his flames going out.

"It's trying to suffocate us!"

The blur moved faster, the circle getting smaller, at Seto's words.

"Whatever or whoever that is heard you, Seto! Way to go!" Jerome wheezed, the air feeling as though it was being sucked out of his lungs by a vacuum.

"Sorry Jerome." Seto replied.

The Blur sped up again, making it seem as though it were just a ring of red, and the trio fell to their knees.

"This is... The end... Isn't it?" Mitch panted.

Seto nodded once as his body slowly started to fall to the side.

"We had... A good run... Guys." Jerome whispered, his eyes half closed.

Mitch nodded. "I didn't... Want.. To go... Like this..."

Then he was gone.

"Good... Bye... Jerome." Seto whispered, before he too was gone.

Jerome laid down, tears stinging at his eyes as he grabbed at his throat.

Then he fell limp.

The blur slowed gradually to a stop, leaving a man standing before the trio.

The man smirked and walked forward towards them, his orange eyes flashing dangerously.

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