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(3rd Person POV)

Meanwhile, in the Sky Army Castle...

A man rushed about his room, throwing clothes and inanimate objects across it and frantically digging around in his closet and drawers, searching for something.

He wore ruby red sneakers, black and grey pants and shirt, dark black sunglasses that covered his chocolate brown eyes and a golden crown on top of his hazel colored hair.

"Ty! where's my amulet!" the man called, looking under his bed.

"How am I supposed to know Adam? you never take it off!" came the reply.

"This isn't funny guys. Where'd you put it?" the man- Adam- called again.

"Adam calm down, I'm sure it'll turn up somewhere." another man said, appearing in the doorway.

Adam looked up at the man as he stood and sighed.

This man wore a long purple and white robe with a red shirt underneath, a white crown holding his brown hair back out of his face, and a small chain with a red creeper head at the end hung around his neck.

His hazel eyes looked at Adam with concern.

"Do you have any idea how much that thing means to me, Seto?"

He nodded and walked into the room.

Adam sat on the bed and put his head into his hands.

The other man- Seto- shut the door and sat down next to Adam.

"It'll be okay Adam. We'll find it." He said reassuringly.

Adam nodded into his hands and stood up.

"I should probably clean this mess up huh. A King's bedroom should be neat and organized am I right?"

Seto nodded and smiled. "I can help if you want."

Adam shook his head. "No, there's no reason to waste your magic on cleaning my room."

Seto bowed slightly. "As you wish my king." He teased.

He knew Adam didn't like it.

Adam rolled his eyes and watched Seto walk out of the room.

When he was gone, Adam shut the door and continued to rummage through the messy room.

"Dinner!" someone called.

Adam cursed silently and kicked at a pair of clothes before reluctantly walking out of his room.

He made sure to close his door firmly, a sign to the maids to not go in, and walked down to the dinning hall.

When he reached the table, the seven men already sitting there stood and looked at him expectantly.

"You guys don't have to do that you know." Adam smiled as he joined them at the table.

They all sat at the same time and pulled our chairs closer to the table.

"We're having a guest today, Sky, we kinda do need to do it." One of the men said.

This man was dressed in a black suit with a blue tie and a white shirt underneath, he wore sunglasses as well and blue shoes.

"A guest? at this time of day?" Adam questioned.

Another man nodded. "He said it was urgent. Something about his village being attacked."

"Was it by the squids or another village?" Adam asked the man with a red and black checkered hoodie.

The man shrugged. "He wouldn't tell me. He insisted on talking to you and wouldn't answer any of our questions."


The man nodded and looked at another man that sat next to him.

This man, well more like an animal, was covered in fur and wore a black suit with a red tie. The ears on the top of his head turned toward the man with the checkered hoodie as he talked.

"Me and Mitch were both on guard when the man appeared." the animal man replied.

"Thank you, Jerome. Anyone else know what happened?" Adam asked, looking each man in the eyes as his gaze passed them.

"I have a report on squid activity near the outside borders, but nothing on a new attack." a mudkip hybrid spoke up.

Adam nodded. "Thank you, Quentin. Jason, how are the animals doing?"

A man in a blue spacesuit and an orange helmet looked at Adam. "Nothing out of the ordinary sir."

Adam nodded. "Great. Ty, how are the recruits?"

A man with black and green headphones took out a sheet of paper and read off of it.

"The new recruits are doing great and learning quickly. They're eager to get on the battle field."

Adam smiled. "Great! Ian, what did you make us for tonight?"

The other man who wore sunglasses stood up and waved at someone in the kitchen.

"Tonight, we have medium well steaks with mashed potatoes and pie." he stated proudly.

The room filled with yum's and slurps as the food was served.

"So when do I need to meet with this guest?" Adam asked as he picked up his budder knife (it's a gold knife, not a butter knife).

"He said to meet him after dinner." The man with the checkered hoodie- Mitch- said through a mouth full of potatoes.

Adam rolled his eyes and dug in to his steak.

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