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(3rd Person POV)

Sky shook his head and took another step backwards.

"What? No. My amulet did not lead me here... There's no way!"

"You said that about my very existence, yet here I am." Herobrine chuckled.

Sky shook his head and looked at the piece of jewelry again, noticing the purple center glowing slightly.

The glow grew brighter and then dimmed to a low light, pulsating in quick flashes.

It repeated this process, the flashes growing longer and longer, brighter and brighter.

He stared, transfixed, and felt a sort of power flow through his veins.

The king could feel himself changing and a humming sound filled his ears as the amulet pulsated.







With each hum, the king found himself deeper and deeper in the trance, unable to look away from the glowing amulet.

Herobrine was muttering, but the king could hear nothing over the electronic humming in his ears.

He knew his morals were leaving, his compassion disappearing, but he cared not.

When the pulse slowed long enough to where the amulet stayed alight, the king's eyes were completely glazed over.

They were so glazed over in fact, that all the color in his eyes were gone, leaving a dull glowing white.

Herobrine smirked as the amulet's light went out completely and the king continued to stare.

He continued to stare blankly ahead even as Herobrine moved from his position and circled him slowly.

Herobrine stopped in front of Sky after circling him three times and smirked.

It had worked.

He heard footsteps in the distance and felt a powerful source of energy approaching from behind the king.

Growling a curse under his breath, he ran into the brush and hid, not wanting to scare off the new comer.

His eyes glowed a brighter white just as a figure burst through the trees.

"Adam! There you are!" The man sighed, relieved.

This man was Seto, and he had appeared directly behind the king.

He couldn't see Sky's eyes.

He couldn't sense Herobrine watching him anxiously.

He had no clue that he was in danger.

Seto walked over to Adam and grabbed his shoulder, shaking him slightly.

"Adam? Whatcha looking at?" He asked.

Adam's only response was a slow turn of his head to face Seto.

The sorcerer gasped and backed away slowly.

"No. Not now. Please no. I'm not ready!" He muttered quietly.

The king stared at Seto blankly, slowly turning the rest of his body to face him.

Then, the king lifted his hand towards the sorcerer and his eyes flashed a bright white.

A force like a wither bomb suddenly rammed into the sorcerer that sent him flying through a few trees.

The king stared at the sorcerer through three broken trunks, letting his arm fall slowly to his side.

The sorcerer moaned in pain and looked up at the king, his eyes pleading for an answer as to why he had done this.

Herobrine walked over to Sky and placed a hand on his shoulder, an evil smirk on his seemingly glowing face.

Seto shook his head as the darkness of night slowly crept over his vision, his last thought being why so soon?

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