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Really short chapter, I'm sorry.

Being grounded sucks, just saying.


Herobrine tossed and turned in his sleep as he muttered inaudible words softly under his breath.

His daughter sat next to his bed, looking at him worriedly.

She tried to wake him, but nothing was working, not even pinching.

Night and Lava would come in every once and a while to check up on Aj and their master.

All food offered during the visits was turned down, as expected from the upset nine-year-old.

She just sat there, staring at her seemingly struggling father.

"No... No, n-not a-again." he stuttered, shaking his head and squeezing his eyes tightly.

Aj raised an eyebrow at her father as he continued to mutter.

"S-Stop... N-No..."

"Night! Lava! Come here!" Aj called slowly, her eyes never leaving her struggling father.

Night flew into the room and walked over to Aj.

"What's wrong Aj?" She asked worriedly.

The little girl pointed to her father, a look of worry on her face. "He's in pain."

Night raised an eyebrow and turned to her Master, watching him carefully.

Suddenly, she grabbed Aj and rushed out of the room, slamming the door behind them both.

Aj was about to protest when a loud scream rang through the air, followed by a resounding boom.

The door burst open a few seconds later and Herobrine stumbled out, gripping his head.

He was grunting and both of his eyes were squeezed tightly shut.

"D-Daddy?" Aj whimpered, her eyes wide with worry and fear.

Herobrine's head snapped towards his daughter, both eyes opening.

"Aj." He whispered as his left eye lost it's glow.

The little girl gasped. "Daddy!"

His teeth ground together and he squeezed his eyes shut once again.

With one final scream, he fell to the ground, still.

Night stared in shock as the little girl wriggled her way out of her arms and over to her father.

Lava walked in behind her and raised an eyebrow.

"What happened while I was gone?" He asked quietly.

"I don't know... Something's wrong with master." she whispered.

"How so?"

"His eyes. One of them wasn't glowing. He seemed to be fighting something as well." Night muttered, her eyes trained on Aj and Herobrine.

Lava's eyes widened as he whispered. "It's time already?"

Before night could question Lava's words, the man was picking up his master and carrying him into his bedroom once again.

Night wrapped an arm around Aj's shoulders and lead her into the room, eyeing Lava wearily.

"Master Herobrine won't be the same when he wakes up, just a warning." Lava said flatly as he placed the sleeping man on his bed.

"What do you mean? Is daddy possessed?"

Lava chuckled. "No Aj, not anymore."

Night raised an eyebrow. "I'm not following what you mean Lava."

The lava man smirked slightly. "Master was made corrupt by his brother, Notch."

How's that for an apology?

A really confuzzling cliffhanger for New Years!


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