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So, I had planned to get a chapter of SAD written as well as this one, but half way through I realized how lazy I am when it comes to OCs.

Might not have one today, sorry!

Seto sighed and ran a hand through his brown hair as he paced the library, awaiting his friends arrivals.

How would he tell them?

Would they understand?

Would they kick him out of the base?

Seto shook his head.

Of course not, they're your friends, he scolded himself mentally.

He sighed loudly and sat at a large round table, putting his head in his hands.

I can't believe I'm going to do this...

He's going to kill me.

The doors of the library slid open and the team slowly entered the massive room, all eyes turning to the sorcerer.

Seto looked up and gave a small grin to his friends.

"Have a seat." Seto instructed calmly, shutting the door behind the team with a wave of his hand.

The team circled the table and took a seat, once again all eyes on the sorcerer.

"So?" Ian asked, tapping his finger impatiently on the wood.

Seto nodded slowly. "Right, well, I guess I should start by saying I have more than one secret..."

The room stayed silent, not one member moving.

Seto inhaled shakily. "First off, Adam's father and I still work together."

"Are you serious?" Adam asked, his golden yellow eyes showing no emotion as well as his face.

"Even after what that man did to Sky Army, you still work with him?!" Adam growled.

Seto raised his hand. "I know it seems bad, but just hear me out."

Adam's deathly glare stayed on the sorcerer, but no one protested his request.

"I know that his betrayal is still a fresh wound, but he had a good reason."

"A good reason for going off and becoming ruler of the squids?!" Adam snapped, shooting to his feet.

"Let me explain please!" Seto roared, making Adam sit down immediately.

"Thank you. Alright, his reasoning for his betrayal was simply to protect Adam from something that apparently is inevitable, but he didn't know that at the time."

"Wait, so Adam's father sacrificed himself for his son?" Ty asked, raising an eyebrow.

Seto nodded. "Correct. Assuming that the squids would bring down his son, Adam's father gave himself over to them. Little did he know they would brainwash him into being their king."

Adam scoffed. "Brainwash, my butt. He practically got the position handed to him."

"True, but there was a darker power at work. That crown the squids made him wear slowly turned him to their side."

"How?" Jason asked.

"That's what we're still trying to figure out. I haven't talked to him since a few weeks before this... Incident started."

"So let me get this straight. My father willingly joined Sky Army's worst enemy to save me from some inevitable event, but ended up being slowly brainwashed into being one of them?"

Seto nodded. "Yup."

"And what is this inevitable event?" Quentin asked.

Seto looked at his folded hands on top of the table and twiddled his thumbs.

"That would be what Herobrine did to Adam."

"So you knew this would happen?" Ty asked, anger lacing his calm voice.

Seto nodded slowly.

"So Lava was telling the truth?" Ian asked, dumbfounded.

The sorcerer nodded again. "Yes, he was, and I am truly sorry that I lied, but let me finish."

The room stayed silent, angry eyes rested on Seto.

"Look, I understand you all are mad at me for keeping these things from you, but if I didn't then you would all try to stop it and more people would've ended up hurt."

"But why? You knew how scared I was when the whole incident with the amulet was going on?" Adam asked, his anger gone.

"I couldn't see what was really going on. I was oblivious to the fact that Herobrine was the one that would bring you down."

"Until it was too late." Adam muttered.

Seto nodded. "The second I saw your eyes in the forest, it clicked, but I didn't have enough time to react."

Adam sighed. "Notch... This is so much to take in."

Seto nodded and stood, "I'll give you guys some time to let it sink in. If you need me, I'll be in my room."

And with that, the sorcerer disappeared.

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