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(3rd Person POV)

"Sky?!?" the person shouted again, banging so hard on the door, it shook the walls.

There was a pause before the door was busted down, purple mist pouring into the room.

The man known as Seto rushed inside, a few recruits watching worriedly from behind.

He gasped when his gaze laid on the king and ran over to him.

Placing a shaky hand on Adam's neck, he ordered the recruits to get the rest of the commanders.

They nodded and rushed off as Seto let out a sigh of relief.

The king was still alive.

Seto wrapped his arms around the budder lover and carried him bridal style to his bedroom, only to find the door was shut.

I'd better go to my room instead. Seto thought, rushing down a different hallway to the library.

He burst through the double doors and through another small one before coming into his bedroom.

He laid Adam down on the bed just as the rest of the team arrived.

"What happened?"

"Will he be okay?"

"Who did this to him?"

"Why is he passed out?"

"Everyone shut up!" Seto shouted, quieting the group.

He sighed and turned his back to them, looking at Adam closely.

"I don't know what happened, but whoever that guest was is gone and he knows what happened to Adam."

"He sure as nether does! he probably did that to him!" Ty roared.

"Dude calm down. Getting mad will help no one right now." Ian hissed.

"Shh he's waking up!" Quentin demanded.

Seto turned his attention to Adam's face and watched his head turn towards the ceiling.

He groaned loudly then sat up, rubbing his head.

"Where am I?" He muttered, then his eyes widened under his glasses and he looked around frantically.

Panic was clearly written all across his face.

"Adam. Adam calm down. Adam. SKY!" Seto yelled.

His gaze landed on the sorcerer and he sighed shakily.

"I need to talk to you. Now." Adam demanded.

One look at the commanders and they were gone, the door closed tightly behind them.

"Can they hear us?"

Seto shook his head. "No. What's wrong."

"That man... Lava, I think... works for Herobrine and he somehow knows about my amulet." Adam hissed.

The sorcerer stared at him. "Herobrine? he's a myth, a legend even! How could he even know about your amulet?"

"I don't know and that's not even what scares me the most. He said the amulet has power over me. After he said that I heard a voice in my head."

"And? What did it say?"

Adam shrugged. "I have no idea! it was in a different language. As the voice talked I started to feel weaker and weaker. Seto, I. Am. Scared."

Seto shook his head. "There's no way... Where'd that amulet come from?"

Adam shrugged. "How the nether should I know? I've had it for as long as I can remember! I'd ask my father, but you know..."

Seto shook his head again. "This doesn't add up... Herobrine exists? An amulet that has the power to control you? that's impossible!"

"And now you see why I'm so freaked out!"

Seto nodded and rushed over to his desk, flipping through the ancient pages quickly.

"There's not a spell in here that could do that... not a prophecy either... Oh Notch..." he trailed off.

Adam looked at Seto with concern. "What's wrong?"

"My books only have light spells... the dark ones-" he swallowed. "-Are said to be owned by Herobrine."

Adam cursed violently and paced around the room.

"Sky!" Seto yelled.

"What?!" Adam snarled, stopping abruptly and facing Seto.

"We'll figure something out, okay? I think you need to go out there and tell your recruits you're fine and you just stood up too fast or something. If you promise me you'll calm down and not say a word of this to anyone, I'll do my best to find out what the nether is going on."

Adam sighed and straightened his crown then nodded.


Seto nodded and opened the door for the budder king, allowing him out.

Adam nodded his thanks and left Seto alone in his room.

Seto sighed and closed his door, walking slowly over to his desk.

"I hope this isn't what I think it is... we're all screwed if it is."

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