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Aj's POV

"Daddy are you sure you want to do this? What if he finds out you're blind and hurts you?" I asked, clinging to my father's side.

He smiled down at me, well in my general direction, and bent down to my level, wrapping me into a tight embrace.

"I'll be in and out faster than those idiotic creatures can blink, I promise." he whispered and pulled away.

I nodded slowly and took a step back, Night wrapping an arm around my shoulders instantly.

"Be safe sir." she muttered, Lava nodding his agreement.

Daddy nodded at all three of us and turned to Seto, who stood in front of him.

"Alright, the plan is simple. Teleport in, grab Sky's father, teleport back here and hand him off to us. Then you all can leave. Got it?" He instructed.

My father nodded. "Got it."

Seto smiled slightly and placed a hand on my father's shoulder. "Good luck."

Daddy nodded slowly and disappeared in a flash of white.

Notch, please help him.

Herobrine's POV

"Welcome Mr. Herobrine, I've been expecting you." a deep voice greeted me as chains wrapped around my wrists.

I jerked violently to break away, but it was no use.

Even my powers couldn't work.

"What do you want from me." I growled, looking in what I assumed to be the direction of the voice.

It chuckled darkly and a blade's tip was pressed to my chin, forcing me to look up.

"You caused my son pain. Its time for revenge."

I gulped. "Please, I'm a changed man, sir. Your son is the one who sent me to bring you back."

"My son is condemned to be evil for the rest of his Notch da*ed life! And he's that way because of you!" He roared as something slashed across my chest.

I cried out and fell to my knees, seething.

"Sir, I swear he's not evil. P-Please, I could show you!"

Another slash across the back sends me sprawling onto the floor.

Seto? Sky? Aj? Night or Lava? Anyone hear me?

I cried out again as I was jerked up by the collar of my shirt.

"Your servants can't hear you, Brine. Those chains are magic proof for a reason."

I growled a curse and pulled myself away from the man.

"Ask Seto to bring your son here if you don't believe me." I growled.

The man chuckled and seized my neck, throwing me against the wall.

Footsteps made their way towards me as I sat slumped against the wall, gasping for air.

His hand wrapped around my neck again and he slammed my back against the wall.

I cried out. "W-Why are you d-doing this?"

His grip tightened around my throat as he forced me up to my feet.

"Because you corrupted my son."

I pried at his hand in a futile attempt to break free as a dizzying feeling hit me.

I'm going to die again.

I can't leave Aj behind like that, she'll never forgive me.

I kicked and struggled as much as I could, but I could feel myself slipping.

"P-Please. I-I have a d-daughter." I choked out as a last plea.

My eyes started to close as I felt his grip loosen gradually until he was no longer supporting my weight and I fell to the ground.

I gasped and coughed as air filled my burning lungs.

"A d-daughter?" He asked softly.

I nodded. "S-She's nine." I wheezed.

"H-How? Y-You've never had a wife have you?"

"I have, just no one knew."

The man sighed and broke the cuffs on my wrist.

"I'm sorry. I am pissed beyond belief at you, but I can't punish your daughter by taking you away. It'd make me just as cruel as you." he muttered.

"Thank you, Mr. Skylen. Would you like to see your son?" I croaked, my breath slowly coming back.

"Can I?" He asked quietly.

I nodded in his direction and reached out my hand.

"That's why I'm here."

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