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Night softly laid her Master's corpse onto his bed.

She couldn't believe he was dead...

"Night?" Aj whispered from the doorway.

"Yes Aj?" She whispered, mending Herobrine's pale skin back together with her magic.

"Where did Daddy go? Did he go to the Ather?"

Night sighed as the stitching of his shirt clasped together, fixing his shirt over his now closed wound.

"I don't know, Aj... I wish I could tell you."

She heard the little girl sigh sadly and her little footsteps came closer to her.

Aj's small arms wrapped around Night's leg and hugged it slightly.

"He promised he wouldn't leave." she whimpered.

"All things happen for a reason, Aj. We just never really see that reason until later in life."

"But why him?" She whispered, looking at her father.

"I wish I knew Aj... I really do..." Night sighed. "Why don't you go see if Lava will fix you something to eat."

Aj nodded and released Night, trudging out of the room.

Night turned her attention back to the bed and sat in a chair.

His chair.

She never knew how much she cared for him.

"I'm sorry Master... I promise your death will not be in vain." she whispered as she stood again.

She wanted to take out some of her anger.

Teleporting to the dungeons, she growled and threw the person inside a cell against a wall.

"What the nether were you thinking?!" She bellowed.

Erin gasped, the wind having been knocked out of her.

"W-What do you m-mean?" She wheezed.

"Forcing Ian to kill Master like that?!" Night roared.

Erin grinned slightly. "I-I thought it'd h-help you see... What you've been doing i-is wrong."

"You possessed a man to kill another! How is that not considered wrong!" Night growled.

"I'm talking about you!" Erin exclaimed, regaining her breath. "You're serving a man who wants to end the world!"

"He was there for me when no one else was, Erin! You were the perfect child! Always loved and showered with praise wherever you went. Me? I was nothing but a demon to everyone!" Night growled, pinning her sister against the wall with the shadows.

Erin grunted and looked up at her sister with sorrow.

"We all loved you Night. Ask mom and dad, I was in tears when you didn't come home. Nether I wouldn't even leave my room."

Night narrowed her eyes and turned to leave.

"Night please. What you're doing is wrong."

Night stopped at the door of the dungeon and glared over her shoulder.

"I know. But I don't care." she growled, slamming the door shut behind her.

Herobrine's PlanWhere stories live. Discover now