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The feels in the heart go wa, wa, wa

Aj's POV

"Uncle Notch?" I asked, my face scrunched in confusion.

Lava nodded. "Aj was just a few months old when this happened. You see, Master was blind before all of this happened. He hated it beyond belief too."

"Lava, how much spying have you done in your lifetime?" Night questioned.

"More than considered healthy." Lava muttered, earning a wide-eyed glance from Night.


"Lava, are you telling secrets again?" A weak voice muttered from behind me.

I gasped from delight and shock and crashed into my daddy's arms, squeezing him tightly.

"Quit scaring me like this, daddy. Please." I whispered into his teal shirt.

His arms wrapped around me and pulled me as close to him as possible. "That will be the last time, I promise." he whispered, kissing the top of my head.

I looked up at him and froze, my grin falling.

Daddy's eyes weren't the cold, soulless glowing white I was so used to seeing.

They were glossy, dull, almost lifeless.

"Aj, don't freak out." Lava whispered, taking a step towards the two.

"She's looking at my eyes isn't she?" Daddy asked, his voice low and sad.

"Yes sir, she is." Night muttered.

"Aj..." he whispered, his eyes a little past my face.

"What happened daddy? What did Uncle Notch do to you?" I asked quietly.

Daddy sighed and sat up, holding me to his chest.

"Honestly, I don't have a clue what happened. I had gone to Notch, begging for a way to see my daughter, even for a second, but something went wrong and he corrupted me. I was able to see, but in a way, I was still blind."

"You seemed like you could see perfectly to me, daddy." I mumbled.

He smiled and stroked my hair awkwardly.

"I had perfect vision, don't get me wrong, but I was blinded by evil, hatred, an undeniable greed for power." he sighed and his hand stopped on top of my head.

"But how are you just now back to normal, sir?" Night asked, her head tilted in confusion.

Daddy shrugged. "I guess I subconsciously anchored the magic that had corrupted me on something. Skybrine maybe?"

Lava nodded slowly. "I am guessing his friends convinced him to free himself, thus resulting in your freedom?"

Daddy nodded slowly. "Guess so."

"You did that... Just so you could see me?" I asked, my voice going up a few pitches.

My dad smiled sadly and nodded, looking a little past my shoulder.

"I just wanted to watch my little girl grow up. Apparently the cost was my good morals." he muttered sadly, his arms grabbing my tighter. "But I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Master, I hate to ruin your moment, but what about the others in the overworld? What do we tell them?" Lava asked, quietly.

"And what do we do with my sister? We still have her in the dungeons." Night added.

Daddy sighed and stared in thought.

"Let Erin go home, but make sure she tells the others what she did. We'll tell them about what happened later."

Night and Lava both nodded and left, leaving us alone.

"Aj, was I cruel to you at all?" Daddy asked quietly, his voice sounding hurt and scared.

It kinda scared me.

I laid my head on his chest and grabbed his hand.

"No. You were sweet to me. When you were around that is."

"I'm sorry Aj. I promise things will be different from now on." he whimpered.

I looked up at him and kissed him lightly on his cheek.

"We'll find a way to make you see, daddy. I promise."

He smiled as a tear slid down his face, his dull eyes landing on mine.

"Thank you Aj."

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