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The team stared at Ian in shock, none of them daring to move or even speak.

The traumatized man stood staring down at his bloodied hands.

He had murdered.

Killed a man.

And for what?

Nothing but some urge he had gotten out of nowhere.

Was it the infamous Derp?

No, he would've felt insane, also, he probably would've murdered more people.

But then where'd the urge come from?

He knew that, moments before, he didn't want to kill the man.

If anything, he was close to just handing over his daughter out if guilt.

"I-Ian?" Someone stuttered, pulling the confused man out of his thoughts.

He looked up slowly, afraid to meet his friends gazes.

"Wha-What'd you do?" Seto asked, dumbfounded.

"I-I don't know... I-I... It just, happened." Ian managed to sputter.

"You don't just happen to kill someone Ian! Why'd you do it?!" Jason snapped.

Ian whimpered slightly and took a few steps away from the group of men.

"I'm t-telling the t-truth." he stuttered.

"Guys give him a break. He doesn't know what happened okay?" Ty growled, stepping through the rubble and into the base.

Seto followed his lead and walked past Ian, dragging him with him.

Ian pulled his arm away, but followed.

"Where are you taking me?" He asked quietly.

"My room. I want to ask you a few questions." Seto replied quickly, shoving Ian inside his room and shutting the door.

"What the nether Seto?!"

"Calm down Ian, I'm just trying to help." Seto stated calmly, walking over to a bookshelf and pulling out a book.

"Help with what?"

"You're confused as to what happened aren't you? I'm trying to help clear the confusion." The sorcerer muttered, flipping through the book quickly.

"I appreciate the help, Seto. I do, but I'd rather be left alone for now." Ian grumbled, opening the door.

Seto wanted to protest, but seeing his friend's upset face, he knew he shouldn't push.

"Alright. You know where to find me if you need anything." the sorcerer smiled slightly.

Ian nodded once and walked out, brushing past the huddle of men and into his own room, shutting and locking the door behind him.

He sighed heavily and laid down on his bed, staring up at his ceiling.

Why'd he do it?



"What now daddy?" Aj asked, looking up at her father.

"Now." Herobrine grunted, adjusting himself and releasing his little girl for a second "We plan our attack." he smiled, wrapping his arms around his daughter's shoulders once again.

Aj giggled. "What are you going to do, daddy?" She asked, snuggling up to Herobrine's chest.

"Well, I was thinking we'd show them what their friend can really do. What do you think?"

Aj nodded. "I think they'd love that."

Herobrine smirked and ran his hand through the little girl's long hair.

"Then that's what we'll do." He grinned, kissing the top of her head. "After your father gets some rest of course."

She giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Of course daddy."

He squeezed her and kissed her forehead lightly.

"Sleep well daddy, I'm going to go play with Night."

Herobrine chuckled and released the little girl, allowing her to run out of his room.

He laid back down in his bed and closed his eyes, smirking slightly at the plans he had for the unsuspecting mortals in the Overworld.

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