Truth or Dare

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They all gathered in the living room of the dojo. Xander looked at Shu. "I think you owe us an explanation"

Shu nodded. As he described the incident with his parents and moving to Rideout Academy when he finished the others were staring at him. "That's all"

"You two are good now, nice" Zac said smiling.  "From now on we can spend our supreme four meetings without fights"

"I don't think so" Wakiya snarled. "They still fight a lot "

Gou nodded. "Yeah that's true"

"But you guys don't know the best part" Katana said taking everyone's attention to him. "Lui had a soft spot for Shu"

Zac choked his drink. As Xander accidentally broke his chair. Ukyo and Yugo stared at him. Akira was trying to soothe Zac as he cough violently. And Quon and Orochi stared at them dumbfounded.

"Katana I told you to drop that stupid idea" Lui yelled.

"A soft spot of Lui?" Daigo said.
"It's impossible if Lui has a soft spot"

"The moon will never rise" Honcho said.

"The Sun will never rise" said Wakiya joining him.

"The stars will disappear" Valt joined with a smile.

"The clouds will disappear" Shu said.

"The world will crumble to dust" the four choruses together breaking into a huge laughter.

Lui huffed annoyingly as the others watched them. "You guys are good at poetry" Zac snorted.

Gou got up. "Let's get ready for our sleepover" the others quickly agreed as they went to get changed.

It took them a while to get ready. When the beyclub and Rideout arrive Xander had already set the video games for them.

"Cool" Katana and Shinki cheered getting to controllers. Only six people got chance to play. So the beyclub plus Lui waited till the others finished. They finally got the chance.

"I love this game" Wakiya muttered sitting between Valt and Honcho.

"I'm gonna defeat you" Honcho said.

Valt was excited and Daigo didn't show much enthusiasm as others. Shu and Lui was the real deal cause they haven't played it before. They observed the previous game learning from it. Lui smirked. "I'm gonna win"

Shu smirked back. "Let's see"

The game started first it was peaceful but as soon as Honcho and Wakiya started fighting to the first place the peaceful nature shattered.

"Get out of my way" Honcho yelled slamming his hands on the controller.

"You get out" Wakiya yelled back. "What the.." he yelled as he saw Valt passing him.  He looked at Valt. "You played this before? "

Valt nodded without taking his eyes from the screen. "With twins what the hell Daigo"

Daigo passed them all. The four of them started to race forward cause they wanted the first place.

Zac frowned as he watched Shu and Lui. They haven't yelled at each other since the game started. "That's not normal" he whispered to Xander who was standing beside him.

Xander looked at the two. "Look those two are in the last place I don't think they had time to play Video games with all that training"

Ukyo snorted behind them. "But their training paid off"

And that's when the hell broke loose. "Get out of my was you annoying albino" Lui yelled as he tried to pass Shu. Shu didn't answer as he bit his tongue leaning toward the screen. Lui was slamming his hands on his controller like he's gone mad.  While Shu looked like he's gonna eat the screen.

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