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Now that school is over it's like this huge wait has been lifted off of my chest. I'm leaving for England tomorrow, and I'll be there for a week, then when I get back, I'm going to LA to skate with Vinnie Bahn, and some other pro skaters. After two days of that, I'm gonna go surprise Andy! I miss him so much, everyday while we were away I thought about him, his hugs, talking to him, ranting to him and telling him everything that's happened with my mom leaving, and my dad becoming an alcoholic. That's all be possible soon too, since Ill be with him in a few weeks, and he gets off of tour next week.

"Hey" my dad says, standing in the hall, for once he's sober "Your guitar sounds... good"

I laugh a bit, putting down the instrument and say, "What's up dad?"

"Well, I've been talking to your mom" he starts and my eyes go wide and I smile "And we've decided that we're both worse without each other, and that in our time away-"

"Your getting back together?!" I squeal

"Yeah" he smiles, and I hug him

"Is Ashlyn coming back?"

"Well, I invited her and your mother over, and I thought we'd have a family dinner tonight, since you can't tomorrow"

"Okay" I smile "I hope mom doesn't stop me from going to England though"

"She won't" he shakes his head "I won't let her"

"Okay good" I nod

"But I think it's kinda fucked up your gonna be gone the whole summer"

"I'm not" I shake my head "I'm going to England, then LA, then we're going to Atlantic City for Warped and that's two days, then I think after we might stay a few nights there. After that I'm pretty sure I'm coming home though"

"Okay" he nods

"I have Warped again in late July, but it's in Mountain View"

"We'll are you going anywhere after then?"

"Slipknot concert the week after that's here, and the next day I'm gonna see Ozzy and Megadeath, both at shoreline. Maybe at some point I'll go back out to LA, but it's houseboat season so I want to be here too"

"Yeah" he nods "I'm really proud of you, ya know?"

"Thanks dad" I smile

"You should go to college though" he tells me "Because if you stop touring and all that then you need a back up plan"

"I know" I shrug "I applied for Las Pacitas, but I'm still waiting for a response"

"You got a four point oh your last semester, so they should except that especially for community"

"Yeah" I agree

"Play me something" He nudges me

I place my guitar back on my lap and start picking out the Ballad Of Mona Lisa. It sounds so cool and it's so fun to play, but it's hard and I can't get it right every time. I fuck up halfway through, then try again and do it perfectly, and go into the singing. I can't really sing it that well, I can sing the chorus, but my voice isn't deep enough for the intro. I try my hardest though, and it doesn't sound too bad. "He starts to notice empty bottles of gin. And takes a moment to asses the sin she's paid for." Since my time being home I've learned Aces High by Iron Maiden, Paranoid by Black Sabbath, Ballad Of Mona Lisa by Panic, and Walk by Pantera.

"That sounds sick" my dad smiles


He gets up and walks out the door, and so I continue playing for about three hours, until eventually my mom gets here. I walk out into the living room, and she comes up to me and hugs me, I don't really like hugging her, she's always in my neck. I hug her anyway though, because I don't want to be a bitch and I say, "How've you been?"

"Not good" she huffs "I've been staying on Katey's houseboat with her, and the pipes are leaking and it's so messy"


"Where's ashlyn?" Mom asks

"She moved out" I shrug "She's coming over though, she'll be here soon"

"Oh" my mom frowns

"She's moving to Oregon in a few months though" my dad sighs "She's gonna go to Western Oregon for college"

"She's transferring?" My moms eyes go wide

"Yeah, She was always planning on it" I shrug "She just wanted to go to community first cause it was cheaper"

My mom shakes her head "Wow"

Ashlyn gets here about twenty minutes later. My dad made barbecue, and I set the table. We're all sitting down, and then before we eat my dad says grace. I've always hated it when people say grace, it makes me so uncomfortable because I don't believe in god. They know I don't, but expect me to respect there beliefs, which I do, but I'm still uncomfortable.

"Your going to England tomorrow right?" My sister asks and my mom's eyes go wide

"Your what!?" She squeaks

"I'm going to England for a week to meet his son and daughter and to hangout with the rest of the band" I shrug

"No your not" she shakes her head

"Cindy, she's gonna be eighteen in a month" my dad sighs and my mom looks at him pissed off "You can't get mad, she's pretty much an adult now, and Ashlyn's twenty"

"Twenty one" she corrects proudly

"Okay" my mom huffs, then we continue to eat

My mom went back to the leaky boat, but tomorrow she'll be bringing all her stuff back. I won't be here for it though, because at six in the morning I'm taking an Uber out to the airport, which I couldn't be more excited about!

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