Chapter Twenty One

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It's been a few days since band practice, we were supposed to have it two days in a row, but we were all too hungover to play loud music. Today is Monday, and I am taking all my friends up to the houseboat! As well as I'm having Pierce The Veil and some of there girlfriends up. It's gonna be crowded but oh well!

I get out of bed, and it's about six in the morning, then I get in the shower. When I get out I double French braid my hair back, then leave my face bare except for filling in my eyebrows and putting on some water proof mascara. Then I put on my white swim suit bottoms, as well as my bikini top, that's ruffled, so it hides my ribs a bit. Then I put on a pair of shorts, and flip flops, then my sun glasses, then drag my suitcase out to the front room. I packed it last night! It has a few different bikinis, shorts, underwear, a few outfits, sun screen, and other shit. Then I go into the kitchen and toast a bagel for break fast. While I'm waiting for it to cook, I go into the bathroom, and step on the scale. It'll probably be lighter because it's morning and I haven't eaten yet, but I wanted to see if my weight had improved.


"Yes!" I cheer, dancing around a bit, then I look in the mirror, my collar bones are sharp but not scary looking. I have a good jawline, but thin arms, but my shoulders aren't honey. You can see a little bit of the structure of my bones in my chest but only when I lean a certain way. My ribs aren't showing anymore, but my stomach is still flat, as well as my hip bones are hidden. My ass has gotten bigger, and now my thighs are thicker, but they gap when I stand shoulder length apart which I like, but there not too thick, and it's all in the outside, with the format of my hips.

I skip out to the kitchen and spread cream cheese on my bagel, then pour myself some orange juice. When I'm done, I go brush my teeth, then when I'm finishing, I hear a knock at my door. I go open it to see Lyric!

"Hey!" I cheer, hugging her

"Hey babe!"

"We gotta be a little quiet my parents-"

"Good morning" my mom comes out of the hall with a sleepy smile

"Hi" Lyric waves

"I don't think we've met before" my mom smiles

"Mom, this is Lyric, she's in my band. Lyric this is my mom Cindy"

"Wait So your in a band now?" My mom asks and we start laughing

"I've told you about it before"

We conversation for a little bit, until the door knocks again, and my mom retreats into the kitchen. "Hi" I smile, the next contestants are Zach and Jessie.

"Hey" Zach gives me a hug, then so does Jessie

"This is my friend Lyric" I say "She's in my band, she's the bassist"

"Hi guys!" She hugs them

"There names are Zach and Jessie" I say

"Hi I'm Zach" Jessie laughs, it's only seven, is he already high??

Zach is wearing jeans, and a tank top, it's gonna be weird to see him in shorts honestly. Then Jessie is wearing jeans and a tank top.

"Y'all realize it's gonna be a hundred degrees?" Lyric asks, she's wearing a black bikini top with white skeletons hands over her boobs, as well as she has on white shorts, and black flip flops. Then for her hair, it's short and fried, but up in a pony tail, all frizzy but straight, and with her big bangs hanging.

"Yeah" Zach shrugs "We're used to it though cause we skate in hundred degree weather

"Alrighty" she shrugs

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