Chapter Nineteen

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We start opening presents and I'm telling you, it is absolutely ridiculous how much shit people got me! I start off with a smaller present, and read the card first. "Dear Amanda, I met you only a year ago, but it has changed my life Jurassicly. You are such an amazing and bubbly person, and it reflects off of everyone around you." My eyes start watering a bit "I'm so proud of you for everything you have done this past year. Continue on this adventure, I know youll go far. Love you, Andy" I start crying and smile "I love you too Andy, thank you"

"There's more then the card!" He shouts

"Dammit" I laugh, then open the little box and stand up gasping "ANDY RETURN THIS"

"What is it?" My mom asks and I hold up keys and everyone gaps


He walks over to me "I'm not-" I engulf him in a hug so tight, then pull away and slap him in the chest "I remember you telling me the first week we met how your dream car was a-"

"1969 Dodge Charger" I cry and he nods so I hug him again "No Andy I can't expect this"

"You have to" He smiles

"Thank you so much!" I wheeze "Now I'm scared to open the rest"

"Come on" he picks up a bag, and I pull out a card and open it

"Dammit the cards make me cry" I laugh "Amanda, your an amazing kid, and even though I met you not that long ago, I can't wait to hangout with you, and become even better friends with you. This is from me, Copeland, and Kaitlyn! Happy birthday hun!"

I take out the paper, and look down to see Polaroids of me at Warped, an a hundred dollar bill, and some makeup brushes. "So it doesn't beat a car but-"

"No thank you, I love it! I'll use the brushes the next I do my makeup, and now I have cute Polaroids to hangup in my room!" I set it back in the bag smiling, honestly I like sedimental things better then expensive, then I pick up a big box, oh boy "Your an awesome skater and I love hanging out with you! The skate trip was so fun, progress daily dude" I smile "Thank you Vinnie" I top open the box and pull out two Revive decks, and some Dr Bahn wax "Thank you so much!" I smile "All the guys probably got me decks so I'm gonna have a ton of equipment"

I was right, I was walking out the door with some what twenty decks, a bunch of trucks, wheel, skate stickers, a few vinyls. Then from the other people I got about seven hundred dollars, cool lights, posters, vinyls, albums, CC's dumb ass bought me one of those Barbie cheeps as a joke, but I swear imma ride that shit around. I also got one of those filter things for your voice that goes over a mic, shoes, clothes, makeup, a fucking snow board from Aaron, phone chargers, air pods, a fucking Mac book! Tony gave me one of his electrics, which is so fucking sick! Like about a ten maybe twenty thousand dollar BAD ASS guitar. It wasn't about the gifts though, I was just so happy that everyone was here, then the cards were so cute and funny. I thanked everyone about a million times, but I didn't know how I was getting everything home!

"Hey, wanna go see your new car?" Andy asks and I look at him

"I'm sorry but I can't take the car" I sigh

"No it's okay really-"

"Andy please return it" I tell him and he laughs, then hugs me

"Let's go see it, once you see it you won't be able to return it" he tells me, dragging me outside

"Andy it's too expensive and- oh my god it's gorgeous" I run over to It screaming "HOLY SHIT!"

Andy tosses me the keys and I start crying hugging it "I can't-"

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