Chapter Twenty Two

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"Hey!" I hug Vic

"Hey! I've missed you!"

"Get off" Jaime shoves Vic and Cic looks offended, then Jaime pick me up and swings me around "IM THE ONE WHO MISSED YOU"

"Amanda!" Jess squeals "Come on! My turn!"

So me and Jess hug, and I smile "I missed you so much!"

"It's been like a week" Danielle giggles, hugging me

"Yeah but I still missed you guys"

"You mean you missed me, not these bastards" Jaime says

"Hey!" Jess squeaks, then he hugs her and kisses her a million times all over her face as she giggles

"Where's Erin and Alysha?" I ask

"Erin was busy" Tony says

"Alysha told me to tell you she was busy but just didn't wanna come" Mike says

"Mike!" Jess hits him and they all start laughing

"Come on! Let's go to the boat before everyone destroys it!"

"Okay" Mike nods, and they follow me "By the way I brought a pound"

"Mike god dammit I love you" I hug him and he laughs, hugging me around the shoulders tightly

When we pull away we get a few looks and then I start laughing, "Come on bastards"

They all pile onto my boat, with all there stuff, then we get to my family's boat. "Wow its amazing!" Jess smiles "Your so lucky"

"Thank you" I giggle

"So where's everyone sleeping?" Danielle asks

"Well there's two futons there" i point over to the vouches "They pull out and two people can fit on each one, but also there's air mattresses I can set up in here or upstairs. At night the stars are gorgeous"

"Hime, wanna sleep upstairs?" Jess wraps her arms around Jaime

"Sure" he kisses her

"Baby, wanna sleep inside?" Danielle asks Vic

"I kinda wanna sleep outside" he admits and she sighs "We can sleep inside"

"Okay cool?"

"Tony, wanna snuggle on the other couch?" Mike makes a kissy face at like so I cough

"PERFUENTES!" And everyone looks at me with a smirk except for Danielle who looks confused

"You know it baby" Tony puts his leg up on mike and mike grabs his ass so Tony pulls away and says "TOO MUCH!"

"Hey" Cole walks out from our room, and wraps his arms around me "I don't know if all you know me but I'm Amanda's boyfriend"

His hands are around my waist, and his chin is wresting on my head, "Awe!" Jess exclaims "I think you told me about him once when we were baked!"

"Yeah" I giggle a bit and Mike rolls his eyes

"How long have you been together?"

"Since mid December" Cole says, then kisses my cheek, and Mike cringes

"Uh" I smile a bit blushing "You guys want me to show you around?"

"Sure" they all nod

"So this is the kitchen" I point, then lead them down the hall showing everyone's rooms, including mine then upstairs. Then after we all change into bathing suits. I go in my room, then Cole comes in and closes the door then locks it.

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