Chapter Thirty One

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Today is my last full day in Los Angeles, but it's weird to say I'm not as sad to leave as I usually am. Maybe because this time I know for sure I'm coming back, that this isn't just a Dream, that there not just gonna forget me. I'm really content with life right now, I'm in a band, growing musician, model, have a lot of friends, and I'm single! I've been sleeping in Andy's bed the whole time I've been here, but not with Andy, and we've reestablished our bond, as well as me and Ashly's is starting to.

"Wake up" Andy shakes me

"Fuck You" I groan and he laughs

"Come on" he sings

"Nope" I turn over

"Fine, if you wanna sleep the whole rest of your time here" he lays back down, so I turn into him, and wrap my arm around him, and he laughs "So you do then?"


So I go back to sleep, and sleep in until a ridiculous hour, "Andy" I shake him this time

"Fuck you" he copy's me

"Bro it's like, four in the afternoon this time" He shoots out of bed and I laugh, then throw my hair up, and stay in my pajamas. "Man I'm hungry, we should get the guys to get us food"

"Yeah" Andy nods, so I whip out my phone and call CC

"Hello?" Anna answers

"Hey Anna!" I cheer

"Amanda?!" She squeaks


"Hello! How are you doing?"

"I'm great, and I'm La! You and Cc wanna-"

"Where is your exact location, I need to see you right now!"

"Andy's house! And bring food!"

Then I hang up, laughing and call Jess, who doesn't answer, so I call Jaime, "Hello?" He says groggily

"You just getting up too?" I laugh

"You know it"

"You and Jess come to Andy's! I'm in LA!"

"I know" he groans "Jess is all butt hurt cause you hung out with Alysha more then you hung out with her"

"I hung out with Alysha once!" I whine "And I forgot we went to Vic's, that seems like forever ago"

"Yeah" he yawns "I'll go ask if she wants to"

"Tell her amanda said she wants you to cook her some bomb ass food and then suck her dick, and if she says no, say Amanda said she'll finally give in and have the three sum" it's a joke of ours chill

"OKAY!" I hear him jump out of bed, then start laughing and hangup

"Jess, Jaime, Cc, and Anna are coming over! Aka my favorite people" I smile

"Wow what about me" Andy says and I giggle

"Your not invited, will you just stay in your room?" He looks shocked so I start laughing, and hug him

"I'm offended" he laughs

"Good" I nod against his shoulder, then deciding I have enough time, I go take a quick shower, then when I get out I braid my hair, then put on some sweat pants, and a tank top. Then I go out into the living room, and as soon as I do theres a knock on the door, so I go get it.

"Hey!" Anna says, and I smile hugging her, then Cc "it's been forever!"

"Yes!" I sing, even though it'd only been about a month

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