Chapter Fourteen

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"Baby!" Juliet calls kissing him all over his face as we get onto the bus "Ew, what's she doing here"

"She's on Warped" Andy furrows his eyebrows

"Why? She doesn't have any talent?" She looks me up and down

"Hey Juliet, remember that time I kicked you so hard in your stomach you started crying?" I smile innocently and she crosses her arms

"What?" Andy asks

"Oh, when I caught her cheating she tried to hit me so I kicked her in the stomach" I laugh "Well if you wanna keep talking shit I'll fucking jump up and down on your chest until your lungs collapse"

"Why is she so mean to me" she whines, hugging Andy, and he pushes her off of him

"You started shit first" he walks back to his bunk, so I follow him back to set up mine "Can you leave me alone?"

"I'm just setting up my bed" I sigh "Chill"

I put my suitcase under my bed, and then start putting a sheet on it. "Baby" Juliet calls "You don't need to set up a bed, just sleep with me"

"Okay" he says "I'm gonna keep my suitcase here though"

"Okay" she nods "I'm hella excited for Warped Tour tomorrow!"

"Me too" he nods "I wish there were more stops though"

"Yeah" she nods

I didn't really talk the whole time we we're on the bus, Juliet and Andy are just sucking faces, and I don't know why but I get a little jealous. Not like 'oh my god get off my man' jealous, but kind of like, a wanting for Andy, and a wanting for Juliet to go away. Sure I have a little bit of feelings for him, but part of being in an open relationship with Cole, is you can't catch feelings

At about eight I get bored so I check my messages

So when are you coming home?

How's it going

I had a really good time with you ;)

Unknown Number:
Hey it's Alex, just in case you ever need to call me, save this number!

Hey! Have fun at Warped! You better come back and see me before you leave

Hey, how're you?

I reply to my mom first

Just got to New Jersey! Warped Tour is tomorrow and I should be home in about a week ;) maybe even sooner

Then Cc

Of course I will! Even if it's just for a day

I just save Alex's number without a response, then tell cole when I'll be home. Lastly... Jack.

Thanks, it was fun hanging out wt u again


Okay good, don't miss your birthday!!

I'll be home for Fourth of July bro

Okay, I miss you baby. Wyd?

Sitting in the bus, hby?

I sigh, then when I walk out to the living room to ask about dinner, Juliet's shirtless, on top of Andy, with a braw on of course, but still... ew.

"Okay" I sing and Juliet looks over and laughs

"What can I say I missed him"

"Does mean y'all should have sex in the living room" I shake my head, there pants are on but still... ew

"What's up?" Andy asks

"I just wanted to know if you guys wanted to go get food, since it's like eight and we haven't eaten" I shrug

"I'll go get dressed" Juliet hops off Andy and runs down the hall

Andy sits up, scratching his arm, then I roll my eyes, and go get my jacket. We go to a hamburger place, and the whole time there feeding each other and I hate it. I'm okay with being around Jaime and Jess, because they still talk to me and aren't just consumed in each other, but Juliet and Andy are terrible.

When we get back to the bus, Andy tells me he needs to talk to me and so we go outside, and then he whispers, "I can't divorce her"

"Oh" my eyes widen

"I know she's not good for me but I love her, and those feelings don't just go away" he sighs, then walks back in

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