Chapter Twelve

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When I wake up, I'm in the guest room, and it's eleven. I get up, take a shower, get out, let my hair dry naturally in a pony tail, then do my makeup. I do a full face with pink eyeshadow, mascara, and a matching lip stick. Then I go into my room, out on a long sleeve, olive colored, body suit, then I roll my sleeves up to my elbows. Over my chest, it's a v-neck, but it's filled in with laces. Then over it, I put on a pair of high waisted white shorts, and white high top converse with some anklets; rose ones, pink and purple twist, beads, all on my left ankle.

I walk out to the living room, and Jack's there in sweatpants preparing a late breakfast, "Hey"

"Good morning" he smiles

"What time do you want me to leave?"

"Whenever you want" he shrugs "We can do something today, and if you want you can stay another night"

"I don't think I'm gonna stay tonight but we can for surely do something today" I smile and he nods

"Want to go to the beach?" He asks "Alex is in town, we can meet up with him"

"Sure" I nod

So we have breakfast; two eggs, hash browns, two pieces of bacon, and toast. I make a sandwich out of it, and Jack looked at me weird. He had orange juice which I was so thankful for, because I love orange juice. Then I go back into then room, and get on my bathing suit, perfect sculpt Bikini, then a pair of spanks, I put my clothes back on over it. Then we get into the car and drive to pick up Alex. When we pick him up, he opens the back door, so I say, "I can sit in the back"

"It's fine" he laughs, then we continue to drive, and after a minute he says "We should invite Vic"

"Oh" Jack sings, dragging out the 'o' "Ya"

"I can call" I smile, getting out my phone

Ring ring

Ring ring


"Hey Amanda, what's up?"

"Me, Jack, and Alex are going to the beach, wanna go?"

"Oh" he says "ummm"

"Vicky I miss you baby" Alex whines

"Shut up" he laughs "What beach?"

"Are you bringing Danielle?" I ask

"She's on a modeling trip. What beach?"

"Venice" Jack says

"I'm honestly gonna ditch y'all and go skating, cause there's a park there" I snicker, I went there with Vinnie just the other day

"Ok okay I'll be there when I'm there"

"K bye" I hangup

"Yay" Alex sings "I missed my homie"

"Yeah" I sing

"So y'all had a sleepover last night?" Alex says

"She slept in the guest room" Jack says

"Oh bet" Alex smirks

"Bet" I say back

When we arrive at the beach I go to the skatepark, and they follow me over there, declaiming they'll wait for Vic. I go to the three stair and shuv, then go back up and straw berry milkshake.

"Damn" Jack smiles, then I go back up and try to tre flip, but fall "Are you okay?!"

"Yeah" I laugh, getting back up and trying a kick flip instead. I kick out, then go back up and do it and land. So I try tre again, falling about six times u til finally I land it.

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