Chapter Seventeen

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I'm on the flight home from LA, I spent the day with all the Black Veil Bride guys at Jake's house, but that was the last I'd see of them for a while. Expect for Andy who is see again at Warped. When the plane landed, I had my mom pick me up, then the ride home I told her more in depth about England, and about Annie who garden, and how I stayed with Cc and Anna, and my skate trip, and the Q&A, and how I beat Juliet's ass. My mom was actually proud of me, I could see by her smile how entertained she was by my stories. Then the next day I slept till five at night. When I woke up I showered, and ate then went back to bed. When I woke up again, it was July third, Lilly's birthday. So I took out my phone and texted her.

Happy birthday Lilly

I sighed, then look at the time to see it's only eight. I take out my braid from the previous night, then tie it up in half up pig tails. I do a full face of makeup with orange and yellow eyeshadow, then put on the fit. I put on a pair of jean shorts, then white vans, and a yellow tube top, with anklets, and some brackets as well. Then I grab my skateboard, and declare that I'm leaving. I skate a few blocks over to Coles house, I don't even know if he knows I'm home yet. Then when I get there I knock, and his mom answers the door.

"Mandy!" She squeals, hugging me and I laugh "Your back! How was England?"

"It was amazing!" I say in an accent and she furrows her eyebrows so I laugh "It was fun"

"You scared me" she slaps my shoulder "Oh, honey! Coles not home, he's at Zach's house"

"Oh okay" I nod "I'll just pop in over there, I miss Zach anyway"

"Yeah of course! Have fun" she closes the door, so I skate a little bit farther until I get to the house with the familiar screen door, and knock. Zach's mom's boyfriend answers the door and smiles

"Hi, Zach's in the chill room" he says

"Okay thanks" I walk back into the basement, and open the door, then open another door and everyone looks at me; Cole, Max, Zach, Jessie, Vince, Elias.

"Amanda!" Max gets up and runs to me, and I hug him so tight I wanna cry "I missed you so fucking much!"

Cole gets up, and pushes past max and kisses me so passionately, then we squeeze each other to death in a tight hug. "Baby" I whimper, then he pulls away, and I hug Zach, Jessie, bro hug Elias, then nod at Vince

"Have was England?!" Cole asks

"Did you already play Warped?"

Max hugs me again, "I missed you so much"

"Where's Nyah?" I smile and Vince rolls his eyes

"Let's call grandma" Zach smiles

"She never hangs out with us anymore, cause your not here" Cole kisses my head, so I hug him again

Soon enough Nyah's over, and her and I start crying while hugging each other, it hurt so bad to be away from her, she's my a absolute best friend. They pull out a punch off containers full up to the top with tree, then start packing bowls, and cones. We get so fucked up, laughing, and just being ourselves, laughing at nothing, then we all fall asleep in there.

When I wake up it's about two in the morning, so I wake Nyah up and call my mom.

"Where the fuck are you?!" My mom screams into the phone

"I fell asleep at Zach's house with all my friends" I tell her "Will you pick me and Nyah up? Can she spend the night?"

"I'm so pissed Amanda, I'm on my fucking way"

"She's pissed" I tell Nyah

"God my dad sent me a thousand texts" she exhales

"Tell him your at my house and you were gonna tell him but we fell asleep" I tell her and she nods

When my mom pulls up, we file into the car, and she goes off. "YOUR FUCKING GROUNDED"

"Mom I turn eighteen in four days" I remind her

"Dammit Amanda" she huffs "I would've been okay with it if you just told me where you were"

"I'm sorry mom, we all fell asleep, we got pretty fucked up then past out"

"You guys were smoking?" My mom asks and I say honestly


"Nyah's spending the night so she can sober up, if he dad finds out he's gonna come unglued"

"Yeah" Nyah nods, she doesn't turn eighteen until November, but she's in the same grade as me

When we go home, we just go to sleep, then when we wakeup again, Nyah walks home. She comes back a few hours later though, because her dad isn't that mad, and because we're having a Fourth of July party! All my family comes over and we have friends over every Fourth of July. My dad barbecues and smokes meat all day long, and it's so good.

When Cole, Max, and all my friends come over it's about four, and we hop into the pool. Me and Cole sit on the steps with his arm around me. My good friend Hermione also comes over, as well as her brothers Elijah, and Grissom. Elijah is twenty six, but Grissom is twenty one, my sisters age. Elijah is just here for the food, and he brought the cool fire works. At about six we all get out of the water and eat; there's cheese burgers, hot dogs, hot links, sausage, tri-tip, Filet mignon, and other yummy stuff. Then there's French fries, Pottstown salad, chips, normal salad, Mac and cheese. We dig in, and go to town of the food, then get back in the pool. At about ten though, we go back outside and start lighting shit off, normal shit, while Elijah sets off Morters and m180's and shit. As well as all us kids play around with Roman candles and sparklers. We take a lot of pictures which makes me happy, then they all stay over at my house.

"I love you" Cole whispers in my ear, then kisses my cheek. We'd never said it to each other so I look at him kind of scared and he smiles small, so I kiss him passionately

"I love you too" I giggle a bit, then hug him and he pulls me into his lap

"Alright" Nyah says, then slaps my ass

"Harder daddy" I say and everyone laughs

"Got any... heroin???" Jessie jokes around

"Black tar" I nod

"Seriously though" Max looks at me and so I widen my eyes and he widens his eyes so we start laughing "WHERE ARE THE DRUGS!!"

"Max sh my moms gonna year you" I laugh, as if she'd care "okay okay, Nyah, go ask my mom for the bottle of makers mark"

"What?" Her eyes go wide

"I'll do it" Hermione sighs, standing up, she doesn't do drugs or drink, which my mom knows,  but Hermione is okay with all of us doing it

"Thank god" Nyah sighs then Hermione comes back with not only makers mark, but also Jack Daniels, from there on out everything's blurry...

"MAX I FUCKING LOVE YOU!" I jump on his back and he's so drunk that he falls into Zach

Max scream, then goes "ZACH WE LOVE YOU"

"MY BONES" he screams

I get off, then max gets ups too and tackles me in a hug and we fall onto the bed, hitting Hermione. Then we lay together for a while until Nyah starts flicking me. "No no!"

I hug her, then we start playing truth or dare, and I get dared to go in the closet with Max, which me and Cole both look at each other weird about. Then when we're in the closet Max kisses me and I run out of the closet, and jump on Cole, not telling him, but kissing him a million times. "I love you BITCH"

Then they whip out dab pens and Juuls and shit and we party the whole ass night

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