Chapter One

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I have just landed in England, in the busy airport, after a twelve hour flight. When I get off, I call Ben, letting him know I'm here, then I go I out to the main area, where I take a crowded elevator down to the first floor. I make my way through the crowds, until eventually, I wind up at the front. I go to luggage, and search for my bad and after forever, I claim it.

Then I walk out to the front and wait for Ben. When he gets there, I go to his car, and throw the suitcase in the back, then hop in. He has a little car which I think is cute, then before we drive away, I give him a big hug.

"Hey I missed you!" I cheer

"I missed you too! How've you been?"

"Oh my god" I roll my eyes "So fucking much has happened"

"I heard you graduated" he starts smiling

"Yeah! I've officially graduated high school!"

"That's awesome, are you going to college?"

"Yeah" I huff "But I really don't want to"

"Well what are you going for?" He asks

"I think I'm gonna study music photography" I shrug "I want to continue to tour and be a musician, but if I wasn't able to, photography would defiantly be my next choice"

"Yeah for sure" he nods "Plus we could hire you as a band photographer or something so we can still hang"

"That'd be fucking sick" I moan "Band photography is so sick"

"Yeah" he nods, then turns on the radio, and the song that comes on first is by Led Zeplin, which we rock out to

The drive to his house isn't that bad, but it feels weird because we're driving on the wrong side of the fucking road! When we get to his house, I smile. His house is actually really big. The houses around him are pretty spaced out, and there's a swing in the front yard, and little bikes on the porch. When we go in it opens up, and then the little girl on the couch jumps off and starts running while the tattooed mom takes off running "Daddy!"

"Hey baby" He bends down and lifts the small child into his arms, kissing all over her face

"Who's that" she looks at me

"That's my friend Amanda" he moves her to where she can see me

"Hi" I smile

"Hi!" She squeaks, making grabby hands towards me , so Ben holds her out and I grab her

"You gotta-" Ben stops as I hold her right "There ya go"

"Your pretty!" She tells me

"Well your gorgeous" I tell her and she hugs me, then Ben's wife gets up, holding her son

"Hi" she greets me with a smile "I'm happy I finally get to meet you" she says

"Mommy!" The girl smiles, squirming so I set her down lightly on the floor, then she wobbled around back to the living room and grabs her toys

"Well I'm Ciara" she laughs

"I'm Amanda" I smile politely, and she nods

"Well we were thinking since you just came in, we'd chill today, and maybe go get dinner with all the guys tonight? Does that sound okay?"

"Yeah that sounds great" I nod

"Okay, Ben honey, on the way there, we're gonna drop Fay and Finn off at my sisters, Okay?"

"Yeah of course" he nods "Uh Amanda, I'll show you the guest room"

I follow Ben to the only down stairs room that there is. It's set up nicely, with the same flooring as the rest of the house, and a bed you don't have to pull out of the wall. The sheets are white, as are the walls. Everything is rather plane, and the closet is small, as well as there's a small bathroom.

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