Chapter Twenty Six

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The next few weeks were really fucking lonely and repetitive. Monday: my alarm clock wakes me up at ten in the morning, singing out I'd Rather die then be Famous. Yeah, ten isn't that early, but I wanted to keep a reasonable sleep schedule. I get out of bed, make some breakfast for my sister and I, leave hers in the microwave. Go get dressed in gym clothes, put my hair up. Drive to the gym, do my regular routine. I do five miles at eight miles per hour on the treadmill, then three miles on the elliptical, and two on the stairs. Then I go do legs. I put the bars in between my legs, setting the weight to a hundred. I do reps of twenty, five times, then for my fifth one, I put the weight to one fifty instead of one. Then I put the bars on the outside doing the same set as I did inward. Then I do squats, dead lifting, calf work outs, as well as sit ups, box jumping, and the crunch machine. After, I go do another two miles at six miles per hour instead of eight, as a cool down. Then leave the gym sweaty as hell.

When I get home, I take a shower, then get out, do my hair, then makeup. I find a nice outfit to wear, then say hi to my mom as she gets home from work, then head out the door, and get in my car. Then I drive to Lyric's house, we have a beer as we wait for everyone else to come over. Then we start practice, sit down, try and right some lyrics, play some, figure out how they sound. After two hours, have another beer, go out to lunch, usually at the sandwich shop down the street, sometimes at Denny's, then I drive back home after. When I get home it's about three thirty, so sometimes I'll catch my dad on the way in and say hi, but only if not he's already home or in traffic. Then I sit down in my room, fiddle with the guitar, read, find something to do. Then around an hour later, grab my skateboard, go to the high school, or the park, sometimes go to a skatepark, maybe every couple days, usually with Max and the guys; all except for Cole because apparently he doesn't skate anymore.

Come home, take another shower. Get out, put on some spanks, and a loose tee shirt, go eat dinner. Every other day do the dishes. After, sit in my room, until I fall asleep.

The next day it's the same thing but a different song playing out my alarm. Tuesdays it's Nine In The Afternoon by Panic!, Wednesday Kick me, Sleeping with Sirens, next day Spirit by Bring The Horizon, then Friday it's Wait and bleed by Slipknot. Saturday's I wake up around one, don't really care about my outfit. Go to the chill room, Cole's there. He stares at me, and it's awkward, but we're still friends with each other's friends. We get high as fuck, sing and laugh. Then I walk home, I don't bring my car because I don't want an underaged DUI, or one at all. Think about how much I want to be on tour but how much I want to be at home when I'm on tour. Think about Andy, Cc, all my friends. Then lastly Sunday. I don't get out of bed at all, sometimes I don't even eat. I'm usually weak on this day, and break my one weak clean streak.

Today though, wasn't gonna be a miserable fucking day where I sit around and do nothing. Today is Warped Tour! Saturday alarm sings out The Depths by Of Mice and Men. I yank my blanket off and hop in the shower. When I get out I double French braid my hair back, then do a full face of makeup with nude eyeshadow and lip stick. Then I put on a pair of black shorts, that are short, but cover my scars from last week. As well as I put on the white band signature littered shirt that started it all, with my black old school Vans. Then I grab my duffle bag, and hop in my car, driving over to shoreline.

When I get there it's only eight, which is good because gates open at eleven. Funny though how there's still a few people lined up, waiting to be in first. I go drive to the gate, then they let me in. I park my car over by Andy's bus, then knock. After a minute Andy opens the door looking sleepy and pissed off, then he smiles when he sees me. He's shirtless and kind of sweaty from sleeping, then he hugs me, and I look past it.

"Come in" He smiles

We catch up for a long amount of time, I tell him what happened with Cole, and he tells me about the restraining order he had put on Juliet, and we just talk for hours, but I'm on at two so eventually I have to leave. I go over at one thirty, deciding to be early, but I end up almost being late because I run into Kellin.

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