Chapter Thirty Two

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I just got out of the airport, and I'm dragging my suitcase to my car. When I get to it, I put it in the trunk, then start my car up and drive for the exit. Before I leave I pay a twenty five dollar fee, then drive home listening to Led Zeppelin, Metallica, Motley Crue, The Eagles, and AC/DC. Then when I finally arrive home, I drag my suitcase up to the door, and open it. It's Saturday afternoon, so everyone's on the couch when I come in.

"I'm home!" I declare

"Hey honey!" My mom cheers getting up

"Hey" I smile, hugging her

"How was La?"

"It was awesome" I admit "I got to do modeling"

"Yeah, you told me. Are you sure it's legit?"

"Well Alysha is like... a famous model and its her agent"

"Mom said your going to Mexico" my dad pipes in

"Yup" I pop the 'p'

"Wow" my mom sings "That's awesome! I wanna go"

"Yeah" I laugh "I'm not even gonna be modeling for most of it, and I get to stay at a resort"

"You should get a friend to go with you" she tells me

"Yeah, but then my friend would be stuck at the resort alone while I'm modeling" I shrug


Ring ring
Ring ring
Ring ring-

I get out my phone and answer it right away, "Hello?"

"Hi! It's Alysha! So I heard your going to Mexico?"

"Yeah" I giggle

"Well I thought you wouldn't want to be lonely on your first shoot! So I'm going too!"

"Really?!" I  chirp "That's awesome!"


Soon enough I was leaving for Mexico, it seemed like time was flying by, like everything since Warped last year has been a dream. A dream which I haven't decided weather good or bad yet. The whole two weeks I went back to the routine I was in before Warped Tour, and it was so boring. I didn't even hangout with the guys like I usually do, because I didn't want to see Cole's pathetic face. I'm missing the guys, but who knows if there even missing me.

"Bye sweetheart" my mom smiles

"Bye" I walk into the airport and she drives away

Funny how I used to miss my family so much and now when I get back I just want to leave again. I'm thinking about moving out to LA, all my friends are there, closer modeling opportunities. The only thing is my band lives out in the Bay Area, So practices wouldn't work. Finding a record label would probably be less of a challenge here though, but I doubt they'd all move for the band.

When I get past check in, I scurry back to security. Flying doesn't bother me anymore honestly, I've gotten so used to it. I had to fly so many times touring with asking Alexandria and black veil. The tour was so amazing! I got to go so many places I had never even thought about going to before. I sit down when I get past all the stupid metal detectors, and wait.

"Now boarding flight C138" I huff, sitting up, grabbing my carryon, and heading for the line

I sit first class beside a middle age man, and kind of mind my own business, putting my ear buds in. I tune out the whole safety lesson, then a few minutes after take off I get tapped on the shoulder.

"Hi" I remove my ear buds, looking up at the guy who smiles

"Are you that one girl? I'm sorry to not be specific but" he smiles and I laugh a bit "The one who toured with Black Veil Brides, Asking Alexandria, and played Warped Tour both this and last year?"

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