Chapter Six

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For my last day, everyone came over, and we hung out for about three hours, then after a while, we all decided to go to a pub. I had never been to a pub, there really cool! Everyone's really friendly, and it's like a bar, but there's a full menu. So we get dinner here, I order chicken strips, and it's so weird how smaller the portions are, how the food isn't rich or special, and how the don't use dips. I asked for ranch and ketchup for my chicken and fries, or chips as they say here, and I got some looks.

"May I have a shot of whiskey" I smile and the bartender asks

"How old are you?"

"Twenty" I lie

"Okay" he shrugs, not even checking my ID. I guess the drinking age here is eighteen though, so I'm not far off anyway

The man hands me a drink, then Brandi claims a spot by me, "Trynna get fucked up?"

"No" I laugh "I'm just gonna have a few drinks"

"Come on" she sings "Another shot of whiskey please!"

"As you wish Darling" he takes out another glass

After four shots, I feel good so I stop. I have to stand up and get away from Brandi, or else I know she'll force me to do more. When I'm done, I take my chicken and sit back at the table by Ben, Ciara, and Cameron. Everyone else is eating there meals, so I just join them.

"Yeah, I don't know" Ben shrugs "We'll probably your some time during the year but"

"You guys should take time off of tour"

"Why do you think we're here right now" Cameron laughs

"Whatever" she sighs

"I know I'm irresistible baby" Ben kisses her cheek and she laughs

"So Amanda" Cameron starts "Your going home tomorrow?"

"Yeah" I sigh nodding

"You should stay a few days longer" he elbows me "You still have time to change your flight"

"She probably has stuff to do" Ciara says

"Yeah, I'm going on a skate trip" I frown, I'll come back soon though"

"You promise?" Ben holds out his pinkie and I laugh

"I promise"


"When are you coming out again?" Ben asks me sadly, we're driving to the airport right now

"I'm not sure" I shrug

"Well how long will you be in LA?" He asks

"I have a two day skate trip then I'm gonna be with Andy for two weeks"

"Well, want to go home for a week, then come back here for a few weeks?"

"My birthday is in the beginning of July" I tell him "I want to be with my family"

"Oh I understand" he nods "Well what about after?"

"I have Warped Tour" I say honestly "June twenty ninth and thirtieth, then July twentieth and twenty first"

"Well what about after that?" He asks "Like for the rest of July or a week in August or something"

"Maybe" I shrug

"Sorry I'm like forcing it on you" he laughs "I just miss you when we're not with each other"

"I miss you too" I smile, and soon I missed him even more, because I was in the waiting room, away from him, knowing he was driving home, and soon he'd be walking in through the doors into his big home. Fay would be running up to him, hugging him, maybe even asking where I was.

After a good amount of time, I board my plane, and begin the three hour flight home. When I get there, I throw all of my clothes in the washer. It's only three o'clock, but I am so unbelievably tired. I go into the kitchen and eat a piece of left over pizza from the previous night, then crawl into my bed and fall asleep.

When I wake up again, it's nine o'clock at night. I go into the kitchen, and see what they had for dinner. My mom is in the living room, and when I say "hey" She screeches

"Oh my god! I didn't know you were home!" She runs to me and hugs me

"I got home at three" I laugh "I've been sleeping"

"How did I not notice?!" She squeaks, furrowing her eyebrows

"What's for dinner?" I ask

"Oh, there's some lasagna in the fridge" she tells me "Baby, why do you look so thin?"

"I don't know honestly" I take out the pan, putting it on the counter, then going to fetch a plate "I stopped getting hungry, so I just never ate, and now I'm like, really thin. And so I've been forcing myself to eat"

"Oh my god" she frowns "How much do you weigh?"

"Why are you acting like you care?" I laugh a little and she furrows her eyebrows

"I do care"

"You've been gone for months, we haven't talked-"

"I'm just trying to make up for it" she tells me sadly "I'm so sorry for everything"

"Okay" I say, putting the plate in the microwave, then grabbing out the lemon aid from the fridge

"Talk to me" she pleads

"I am" I tell her "I just don't have anything to say"

"Well, How was your trip?"

"It was nice" I nod

"What's you guys do?"

"Hangout with Ben's daughter Fay, partied with a bunch of bands. Chilled with the guys girlfriends, made some friends. Went to a castle, and stone formation monument thing"

The microwave beeps so I take out my food, "that sounds awesome, have any pictures?"

I hand her my phone and let her scrolls through smiling. Then when she hands me it back I select some to post on Instagram, and she tells me how beautiful everything is.

"Yeah" I nod, agreeing with her "I'm gonna go to bed though. I'm flying to LA tomorrow at ten"

"Your leaving again?" My mom frowns a bit

"Only for two weeks" I shrug nodding "I'm going on a skate trip for two days, then I'm gonna kick it with Andy for two weeks, then we go to Atlantic City for two days for Warped Tour"

"Okay" she sighs "Be home by your birthday"

"I'll be home before Fourth of July" I furrow my eyebrows "By the way, can Nyah come up to the houseboat with us for the firework show"

"Yeah of course" she nods

"Okay, goodnight" I get up, putting my plate in the sink


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