Chapter Thirty Two

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For our second day in Tulum, we're at some weird yet beautiful indoor garden place. They have us stand on a later, reach for, to look in, plants. They have me water some plants, even have me sit on a stool with a painters hat on, which makes the scene look something Picasso would paint. Then after that, we head over to a awesome wooden beach house, and we take pictures against the architectural wood, and get picture of us looking at the window into the view. As well as we leave the house, and get videos of us walking down, and pictures of us on rocks, and in the water.

The rest of the day when we got back to the hotel was awesome! We booked a private lesson to swim with the dolphins! Which we turned into a photography opportunity, so it was free. And we also got pictures of us on the wind sail wooden boats. We pretty much chilled and had an awesome time though, until eventually, then next day we drove along the shore, then took a ferry to Cozumel. When we got there we checked in, and now we're at the hotel, getting ready, and after this, we will be picking up, to go to the modeling shoot.

When we get there the facility is kind of different. It's another cabin, but here is where all the set up and makeup is done. I get nude makeup done, then glowing white high light, and I wear a flowy white dress. The I stand by the window, and sit on the chair, with my body and legs dripping from it. Then we go outside and instead of going down to the beach, we stay in the grass posing while the background is foresty instead of sandy. Then I sit down on a log, and end up changing into a bikini, and go down to the beach. When I go back to the hotel I'm really itchy, but I had a lot of fun.

"So do you like Tulum or Cozumel better?" Alysha smiles at me and I laugh

"I've been to Cozumel before so Tulum, because it was new"

Alysha nods, then takes my hand, and I don't even flinch. I've kinda gotten used to being touched a lot as a model, and changing in front of people. When we get to the restore, we change into shorts, and a tank top, then walk over to the salon. "What are you getting?"

"I was planning on getting a massage" Alysha nods "And maybe get my hair done"

"Oh we should get corn rolls" I smile and she cringes

"You can, might look cool for a photo shoot"

"I don't know" I shrug

"Hello" the masseuse greets us

"Hi" Alysha smiles

"What can I do for you ladies?"

"Can we get double massages?" I ask

So then we lay down on the bed, and look out to the beach as we're getting heavenly massages. My muscles are so relaxed, I feel like I'm sleeping, like everything around me is one dream. Being here is such an amazing feeling. Swimming with the dolphins was incredible! There skin is so soft, and there so cute and friendly. I'm really confused though now, being here with Alysha, I don't know who I am. Am I a musician? A model? Am I going to be a photographer? Am I straight? Am I bi? I gay? Funny how Alysha cheated on mike with me, and Mike cheated on Alysha with me.

"Times up" the masseuse says, I realize it's been thirty minutes, and sit up relaxed

"That was awesome" I smile at Alysha and she nods, putting her shirt back on "Are you gonna get your hair done sweet heart?"

"Should I?" I think for a minute

"I'll do it for free" the lady smiles

"Ah, What the hell" I give in

I get three on each side, and honestly it looks cool. When we go modeling the next day, they say how awesome it is, and have me do more forest shoots. I even get to be in a commercial! That I'm getting paid a grand to be in, plus the rest of the money I'm making for modeling with the agent.

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