Chapter Thirty Four

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I hold up a flower, then smile at the camera, and blow off the peddles. Then I spin in a circle and let my white flowy dress catch wind. Then I kneel down on the ground and start picking Daisies. I change into about a hundred different outfits and model for a good seven hours straight. It's been the longest day so far, and I'm tired. After a while though, I finally get to go back to the hotel. Where instead of enjoying myself, I begin packing up all my stuff because I'm leaving tomorrow morning. After I go out to dinner with Alysha, and Andrew accompanies us for our last dinner together. Funny, the food was outstanding the entire trip, but tonight was a little bitter.

Mexico is absolutely gorgeous, but I'm happy to be going home.

In the morning, we get in Andrews car for the last time, and he drops us off. Here the airport has actual security and metal detectors, which makes me feel safe. Me and Alysha get on the same plane, but we had a delay in Phenix, and got on different planes.

When I get to San Fransisco, I call my mom, and wait for her to get there, and while I wait, I finally reply to Cole, who has sent even more messages.

I am in love with you

I just saw on YouTube your Warped Tour performance

The song was about me huh?

Cole, I love you too, but I can't be with you. You hit me, you cheated on me, I've forgiven you already before, and I'm not gonna just forgive you, and forget everything you did. And yeah, the song was about you "I think sometimes about what could've been, play out the times in my head. How happy I thought that you were, turns out i was making you worse" was about how the first time you used me, your excuse what that we were both depressed all, we did was make each other worse, so "never meant it to get this bad, loosing all the memories we had" is because of the struggle I had with blaming myself, and how our friendship turned to ass, and even though I couldn't have you I wanted to be friends. But stop trying to make me feel bad, because this time I'm not letting myself blame me.

I sigh, then my moms car pulls up, and I get in, smiling.

"How was Mexico?"

"I made like seven thousand dollars" I laugh "And I got to go into gorgeous caves and go swimming, snorkeling. I swam with dolphins"

"That's awesome baby" she looks at me, then frowns a bit "When's your next shoot?"

"Not this weekend but next" I nod

"Where at?" She sighs

"You don't seem happy" I state

"Well it just sucks that I never get to see my daughter anymore" she sighs, and I drown "Maybe I shouldn't have let you go when you were sixteen so you wouldn't be gone now"

"I wouldn't have been happy that way" I tell her and she sighs, then looks at me and my eyes widen as I see hers widening

"I miss you so much" she chokes "You toured four four months, then you were in Britain for a week, I saw you one day, you go to LA for two weeks, then Jersey, after I see you for three weeks, you go back to LA, then Mexico, and I don't know if your safe, you don't answer my texts"

"I'm sorry" I mumble "I'm making a lot of money though and-"


I look at my phone and see a PayPal notification, I just got paid three thousand dollars for Warped.

"I just got paid three thousand dollars for my performance" I laugh "And a lot of kids look up to me"

"I know but" tears trail down her eyes "I don't wanna lose you"

"I know" I sigh, then the car ride sulks in absolute silence. What am I doing to my family?

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