Chapter Fifteen

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Juliet took such a long shower, and spent so much time doing her hair and makeup, even though her face looked terrible and her ugly ass bangs were disgusting either way. When she finally got out, I let Andy go, knowing he would t be too long, and that's when Juliet and I had a conversation.

"I know your trying to break us up" she crosses her arms "You even started starving yourself so that you could be skinny, like me, but Andy will never like you!"

"Juliet" I laugh "I'm gonna wait until after these two shows, to rearrange your fucking face. But after then, there'll be enough time for it to heal." I nod and she rolls her eyes "Andy is blinded by you, even though I'm positive your still whoring around with other guys and your just a shifty fucking person"

"Better then you'll ever be" she flips her hair "Besides" she gets in my face "If you do anything I'll tell the cops about how Andy slept with a minor" she laughs, walking away, then grab her by the hair and she shrieks, clawing at my hand "ow! ow!"

"I never slept with Andy! Why don't you go fuck the entire city because that's what your bets at?"

I shove her forward, "At least people actually want to sleep with me" I can see Andy's head poking out through the bathroom, but I don't say smithing, "What can I say though, I'm fucking gorgeous"

"More like self centered"

"Andy is so lucky he is with me! I'm can do so much better" she stomps

"Or you could just be loyal and nice and consider YOURself lucky"

"Why would be" she laughs "Darling I can get anyone"

"God, your only with Andy for publicity huh?" I shake my head, disgusted

"Oh your just now realizing that" she rolls her eyes

"Fuck you Juliet" Andy says and her eyes go wide as she turns around

"Baby!" She pleads, running towards him, but he slams the bathroom shut

He finishes his shower then when he gets out, it's the loudest fight ever. I get in the shower, and blast music but I can still hear it. When I get out of the shower, I do a full face of makeup with pink eyeshadow, then sit in the bathroom a while, as my hair dries. Then I put on a pair of black jean shorts, then look down to see I gained my thigh gap back, now the space is filled, but if I step an inch over, they don't touch. As well as my ass got bigger, and my arms are less honey, but my stomach is still nothing. For my shirt I put on a black halter top, then put a red flannel around my waist, and put on a pair of black high top converse. On my head, I put the Mr Meseeks hat I wore the first ever time I played at Warped.

"Your not listening to me!" She screams

"I'm not!" He admits "That's cause I don't want to hear your stupid fucking bull-"

"I love you!"

I head to the door with my phone and a joint. Just as I open the door, I see Kellin fucking Quinn, about to knock and my eyes go wide.

"Um, hi. I just wanted to make sure-" all the sudden glass breaks "Everything was okay, it's pretty loud"

"Everything's fine" I smile, then step out of the bus, closing the door

"Uh" he sings and I laugh a bit, as he steps back, then I sit down on the steps "What's going on?"

"Andy and Juliet" I shrug

"There gonna kill each other" he says and I shrug, putting it to my lips, and lighting it "You shouldn't smoke you know"

"It's just pot" I shrug

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