Chapter Five

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I wake up as my alarm clock sings out Do It Now Remember it Later. I quickly sit up, and turn it off, then tiredly get out bed. I have a less hard time waking up early on vacation, because I'm more motivated and excited to start my day when I'm away. I walk to the bathroom, and rid myself of clothes, then hop on in! I scrub my hair with shampoo, then conditioner, as well as wash and shave my body. When I get out, I blow dry my hair with a defuser, leaving out the gel so it's kind of beach waved, then fill in my eyebrows, and put on mascara, but leave the rest of my face bare. Then I walk back out to the room, and put on a pair of underwear, and a bra, then over it, put on a olive green, low cut, long sleeve, body suit, with loose, slightly torn but not ripped, blue jeans, that are cuffed at the bottom. With a pair of black old school vans, a black vans beanie.

When I'm done, I go out into the living room and see, Ben shirtless, coming out for coffee, "Nice dad bod" I giggle

"I know right" he winks, walking over to the couch

"Want me to make breakfast?" I ask

"Please" he moans "Make something American"

"Normal... you got it" I nod, and he chuckles. So I made cheesy eggs with bacon, and fried potatoes, then I take all of it and distribute it into three tortillas. I put the third into the microwave, leaving to for Ciara, then I bring Ben his and eat mine as well. I grab the orange juice, which they have for Fay, out of the fridge, and pour us each a glass

"Ah, American" he smiles, continuing to eat

"I guess" I shrug "I left some for Ciara"

"Okay cool" he nods

"I didn't leave Fay any because-"

"It's fine" he nods "Ciara has like a meal plan for her"

"That's what I thought" I nod

"So what time do you need a ride to Annie's?" He asks and I think for a minute

"Whenever your ready to take me" I shrug "It's like twelve thirty, and we're chillin at one, but it's okay if we're late."

"I'd just let you take my car" he groans as he sits up "But your not used to the way the streets work"

"Yeah, that'd probably be bad" I sing and he chuckles, then walks into his room

When he comes back out, he has a pair of sweats on, and a tee shirt. We get into his car and start driving, Ben turns on the radio, and plugs his phone into the aux. I smile as the familiar beat of Motley Crew shout at the devil.

"You listen to Motley Crew?" I cringe at the question


"I didn't know" he lifts his hands as he shrugs, then slaps them down on the wheel

Annie and Sam's house is small, almost looking like a shack, with a garden in the front, and wind chimes, and simple, yet cool items. Me and Ben go up to the door and after a minute, Sam answers. They do a weird bro hand shake hug thing, and greet each other, then Sam takes me and Ben back to the backyard. I smile when I see the white shed, knowing that's most likely where the weed is grown. Then around there's huge planter boxes and plants growing out of the ground, in pots, as well as little baskets, hanging from the roof.

"This is amazing" I smile, admiring all of her work, then she turns around on the corner

"Hi!" She smiles, she's wearing a black one piece, that is shorts, and a connected tube top, but down the sides, it's the lengths of pants, but the fabric isn't connected to her ankles, and is just flowing freely, then she has a matching black sun hat.

"Hey" I go up to her and hug her, she smells like honey and strawberries, and all the sweet scents

"Is Brandi here yet?"

"No" I shake my head and she nods

"You guys trynna chill for a while" Ben smiles at Sam  "Me, you, and James"

"Sure" he nods, then the two walk inside

"Want a tour of the garden?" She asks

"I'd love one" I smile, so she takes me around to the side of the house

"These are my tomatoes" she points up at the hanging baskets, then we continue to walk down, and when we get to the back, she shows me everything against the wall "Parsley... Cilantro... Peppers... carrots... strawberries... celery..."

Then she shows me her planter box full of fruits and vegetables, then she has a lemon and an orange tree. Then she has simple flowers, roses, and cool items such as Venus fly traps. Wind chimes are dangling from the ceilings, and everything is gorgeous. Then we go into the covered shed, and see about fifty to a hundred weed plants, that have about two pounds of product each, "I just finished trimming, but what we'll be smoking is inside"

"This is amazing" I smile, taking pictures for my mom "My sister and Mom love gardening"

"Yeah, I can see why, it's so much fun"

"Hey bitches!" Brandy sings, walking out into the garden, so we leave the shed and go greet her "Where's the mother fucking weed at!"

I laugh a bit hugging her, then Annie does as well. "Hello"

"Hey girl!" Brandy cheers, she smells of perfume, a deep more musky, bitter, yet still having a discreet sweet

"Let's go" Annie smiles, and then we walk into her house, and go down into the basement. We we get down stairs, we open a door that smells so strong of weed. In the room, there's just carpet, the walls are covered to the brim with posters, there's a tv, a couch, a fridge, and a pool table, as well as a singular shelf with all different sizes of bongs, pipes, bowls, juices and cartridges "This is the chill room"

"I have one like it back home" I smile "My friend Zach's basement looks exactly like this, but without the pull table or fridge"

"Nice" she smiles, then grabs a bong of the shelf and pulls out a zip lock, loading the bowl. She takes a lighter and inhales deep, then lifts the bowl and hands it to me, holding it in

I hit the bing then we pass it around twice before reloading the bowl. As we're loading it, for me it hits, and I've got a good high, but then I take three more hits and get absolutely wrecked. Brandi wonders up stairs and finds James, probably to fuck him in there bathroom. Me and Annie though, we sit on the couch, laying back, looking at the ceiling, and talking.

"I'm Wiccan" she admits

"So is my mom and sister" I laugh "I had a suspicion"

"You know it's nothing bad then right?" She asks

"Yeah" I tell her "Wiccans practice peace, spirituality, and like, close to nature" we start laughing super hard, then she sits up

"I'm hungry" she goes to her fridge and pulls out some Hawaiian Punch, chocolate cake, gushers, cheese it's, a tube of frosting, and some left over pizza

"Oh my god" I moan, shoving gushers into my mouth and orgasming as the fruit causes an eruption of flavor in my mouth, I look over and she's digging her fingers in the cake, so I dig my finger in and shove some into my mouth and we look at each other, laughing, and continue to eat and eat, until everything is gone. Then we sit, drinking the two liter of punch out of the bottle, trying to get rid of cotton mouth. Then we play some music; bob Marley, and fall asleep on the couch.

"Wake up" Ben shakes me, so I open my eyes and look up and realize I'm still kind of high "oh my god your so messy!"

"Huh" I moan, sitting up

"Look at your hands" he says and I look to see mud

"Ew! Why is there mud!" I scream then realize it's cake and sing "oh" and start licking my fingers "It's cake"

"Come on" he says, having me sit up

"Bye Annie!" I smile, waving at her, even though she's sleeping, and go up stairs

Then Ben takes me into the bathroom and cleans me up, before we drive home. Tomorrow is my last full day before I go home, and honestly, I know I'm gonna miss England.

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