Chapter Thirty

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Today I have a meeting with Randy, the guy who took my pictures three days ago. Andy's driving me there, and I'm pretty sure going in with me, to make sure it's legit. The last three days have been chill, I went to Vic's house and had some beers with the guys, and all there girlfriend's, including Danielle.


"Hey Danielle" I smile walking into the house, then her smile drops, then goes back to a fake one


"How've you been?" I ask

"Just fine" she sighs, sulking a bit

End of flashback***

It wasn't that bad though, I tried to be as nice to her as possible, and eventually she stopped being sour towards me.

"We're here" Andy declares, and I snap out of my thoughts, putting on a big smile, then waiting eagerly for Andy to park. When he does, I just out of the car, and practically run for the building. When we get in, we go to the main office, and say my name, then sit down in the waiting room. It almost felt like a hospital, same amount of people, just waiting to be called.

"Amanda" a woman says, almost like a nurse

So we get up and follow her back to Randy's office, "Amanda! So glad you came!" He kisses my cheek then looks at Andy "And who is this?"

"My friend Andy" I tell him

"Ah" he nods

"Andy Beirsack, nice to meet you" Andy shakes his hand

"So my offer for you is one year, pre paid, three hundred thousand dollars, paid flights, hotels, and food during your shoots. At least fifty shoots in the year"

My eyes go wide and I look over at Andy, "Um, do you think we can do more of a laid back plan? I'm in a band so I don't exactly know yet when or if we're touring and I'm a student-"

"Yes darling!" He declares "modeling pays more monthly too, you did your research, ah?"

"I was actually unaware of that" I laugh a bit

"Oh!" He cheers "Well hoe about every month we meet to discuss which days or weather or not you will be modeling?" He asks

"Sure" I nod

"So it's the Twenty fifth of July" he says "Would you like to pick out days that are suitable for you for next month?"

"Sure" I nod again "I don't have school Monday's or Friday's so we can work around that?"

"Yes of course Darling!" He cheers, whipping out his calendar

"You don't have school Monday's or Friday's?" Andy raises an eyebrow

"I'm taking photography, and that class is only on Tuesday's and Thursday's for two hours" I nod "Then I have Financing on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, for one and a half hours, as well as on Wednesday's I have music for another hour and a half"

"Oh" Andy nods "Flexible schedule then"

"So when do you start school love?" He asks me

"August Nineteenth" I tell him

"Okay So I have available in Tulum Mexico, you'd fly out on the third, is that okay?" He asks

"Depends on when I'd come back" I say, then he smiles up at me

"Smart girl!" Andy laughs a bit, then Randy declares "You could either go for two days, fly back on the third, or we can have you escorted to Cozumel after for another two days"

Three Cheers To A Never Ending SummerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora