Chapter Sixteen

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"Hi" I smile awkwardly

"Hello beautiful" Justin smiles at me and I giggle a bit

"This is my friend Amanda, she was on Warped last year, and toured with black veil and asking Alexandria"

"Damn" Gabe nods

"Uh I really like your guys band" I admit and Kellin smiles at me

"You didn't tell me you actually listen to us"

"Yeah" I shrug "We we're kind of preoccupied when we first met"

"What does that mean?" Justin raises his eyebrows

I giggle a bit then Kellin says "Juliet fucking attacked her and she beat the shit out of her"

"Yeah" I sing "Then she called the cops on me"

"Shit" Jack laughs a bit, and I just shrug

The guys are all really chill, except Justin's really hyper, but hella funny. There's always the one hella funny dude in the group, just like Jaime's the funny one in PTV, and Cc is in BVB. We don't really talk about serious shit, but just what are life's are like, and out families and memories of being young and how there and my music career started. They were all pretty shocked when I told them I was seventeen, but I thought it was funny. I hope they become good friends with me! They seem like awesome people. After two hours though, I go back to the bus and Andy's in there, and it's smoky, and smells like tree.

"Andy?" I ask

"What?" He calls, and I go into his bunk and he is shit faced

"You have your set in a fucking hour!" I shriek and he looks around paranoid, so I drag him out of his bunk and get him to eat and drink, and make him do jumping jacks. By time he has to go on set he's still high as a kite, but not tweaking out as much. His performance is the last one of the night so we go to the bus after, and have a serious conversation.

"What were you thinking? Doing that before a show?" I ask

"I was sad" he turns towards me "It's none of your business anyway"

"Andy, it is my business, because I care about-"

"Bullshit" he says "No one really cares"

"Andy that's not-"

"You don't care that's why I went to Juliet"

"Andy I'm in an open relationship" I tell him "the reason I stopped sleeping with you was because an open relationship is about sleeping with whoever but not catching feelings. I started to catch feelings so I had to stop being with you"

"You had feelings for me?"

"I still do, but it can't happen" I shake my head "I'm seventeen, and with Cole... it just... I can't"

"Amanda I love-"

"No no no" I cover my ears "Andy please"

"Amanda" he takes my hands and I just collapse into his chest, so he wraps his arms around me. I had caught feelings for Andy Beirsack...


The next day I woke up, and took a shower, then we I got our, double French braid my hair back, and put on some Smokey eye, with eyeliner and false lashes, with red lip stick, then I put on fishnets, with black jeans shorts, and black old school vans. Then I put my loose, white shirt from last year with signatures on it, on. When I'm done I walk over to Sleeping with Sirens bus, and knock on the door. Kellin answers, so I go in and explain the origin of the shirt, then they all sign it. I talk with them for a few minutes, then exit off the bus, and when I do, I run into Tommy Lee and litterally almost faint.

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