13| Forbes v Gilbert

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Forbes residents
"What's wrong Lena?" Caroline asks her best friend, she looked panicked and worst for wear. The brunette made her way into the house, not bothering to even ask for permission.  "Come on in, I guess" the young blonde vampire shut the door and made her way back to the dining table where she sat before.
Elena paced the room, back and forth, back and forth every so often she would open her mouth to say something but close it again and continue pacing. She didn't know what was going on with her best friend, or why she was acting so bizarre.
"Lena take a breath and talk to me" Caroline instructed her friend, she was more than concerned about her dear friend. "What happened?" Caroline asked she pulled up her chair and took her mug with her.

Elena finally calmed down long enough to take a seat next to the blonde vampire and took a deep breath. "D-Damon and Bonnie" She stuttered through her sentence, not yet ready to believe what she found out tonight.
"What about them?"

"They're together! I found them together. Bonnie is pregnant and living with Damon! She's living with my BOYFRIEND!!!" Elena was livid, she stood from her chair and started pacing again
"Elena please calm down" Caroline tired again to calm her friend, from her panicked state because she knew that once Elena goes down the rabbit hole she was not coming back from.


Caroline looks up at the friend with disgust, she couldn't believe that Elena would call their best friend, their sister such a disgusting word, Caroline's own anger rises.

"Elena please don't call our friend that, I know you are hurt and heartbroken but we both know Bonnie would never do anything to hurt you"

"ARE YOU TAKING HER SIDE? You always take her side! even now when she's the one who's going around getting pregnant and taking Damon from me" she walked right up to Caroline stepping into her space,

"Elena please step back" Caroline warned her friend

"Did you know?" Elena asked

"Did I know what?"

"about Bonnie and Damon!"

"Yeah I did," Caroline said confidently not an ounce of guilt on her face.

Elena loses all the colour from her face, her day just keeps getting worst, both her friends have been lying to her including her boyfriend. she had to leave go anywhere but here, because she doesn't have anyone here who cared enough about her to put her feelings ahead of their own, but first, she has to get her boyfriend back.

"I'm going to get him back!" Elena said with a hint of a threat in her voice.

"and how are you going to do that?" Caroline asked her friend not liking the way she was going. she hated seeing her friends so at odds but she also knew that Bonnie and Damon truly love each other.

"whatever it takes, his mine"

"Damon Salvatore, doe not belong to you, Elena. you've been playing with both the brothers for years and its not right! You broke Stefan's heart and choose his brother over him when you would tell him that he was your 'soulmate' then turn around and hook up with his brother and you're calling Bonnie a slut? we both know she is the innocent between the two of us"

" Innocent? would an innocent person steal their friend's boyfriend?"

"You are forgetting there are two people in that relationship, they love each other Elena feelings change, spending 10 years with someone can bring up feelings neither knew they had"

"That doesn't just happen not to me, he fought his brother for me. he wouldn't just stop loving me like that, she must have done something him to make him stop loving me"

"ME! ME! ME! Shit, Elena! there are about 7 billion other people on this planet the world doesn't revolve around you!"


"Wow show me your true colours" Caroline has had enough of all the toxic things Elena was spewing out, her saving grace came in the form of Stefan and she assumes Bonnie and Damon's Son coming through the door.

"Hey Care, everything okay," Stefan asks his girlfriend, he walked over to her completely ignoring his Ex.

"YOU! who the hell are you? Stefan, you told me you didn't know who he was, hats going on?" Elena was getting frantic

"Nice seeing you too Gilbert," the hybrid says with a smirk 

"Upstairs now!" Stefan says sternly at his nephew not wanting another fight to insue, reluctantly Guiseppe complies and goes up the stairs of the Forbes house. Elena attempts to follow his nephew up the stairs, but Stefan happens t be much quicker and was in front of the stairs blocking the path to the upstairs level of the house.

"MOVE! that asshole broke my arm, Stefan, why are you protecting him?"

"maybe you should leave Elena," Stefan said calmly to the brunette

"Yeah Lena, please leave" Caroline adds

"Seriously? what's so special about him anyway that you would choose a stranger over someone you are supposed to love, fine I'm leaving  I'm done with all of you! I'll find a way to get Damn back without your help!" with that she walks out of the Forbes residents and into her car driving off.

back in the house Caroline sitting on her couch with a new mug full of blood, Stefan comes over and seats next to her.

"are you okay? " he asks

"we have to keep an eye on her, she might do something stupid," she says calmly

"Hey aunt Caroline" a deep voice breaks the couples moment silences

"Aunt?" Caroline is shocked at the title

the teenager walks over to his aunt and uncle he seats across from the two and takes a deep breath before telling them both about the blood lust his been having since the day he came through from the other side.

"I need blood," he says

"oh there is some in the fridge" Caroline offers happily

"no, vampire blood" he murmurs ashamed of what he is asking of his family.

"what do you mean 'vampire blood'? Stefan is the one to speak up this time. the confusion was written on both of their faces. they glance at each other for a second and then back the teen.

"I can only drink the blood of other supernatural creatures, human blood will make me sick" Guiseppe holds his head down, not wanting to look up.  without a second thought, Stefan takes Caroline's empty mug, bite into his wrist and fills the mug with his own blood giving it to his nephew.

"are you sure?" he askes very much grateful to his uncle.

"drink up kid, I need you strong if we are going to save this family of ours" Caroline looks at both the man waiting for them to explain what as going on,

"people are coming after our family," he tells his aunt

Hey, hope you like this chapter

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1) what do you think of Elena's outrage? 👩🏻

2) Is Caroline right for standing up for Bonnie and not Elena? 👩🏼👩🏻👩🏾

3)How do you feel about Guiseppe 'Titus' Salvatore"?🤔

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