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As Taehyung drove jimin to his sons school nobody bothered to talk. They sat there in a comfortable silence. The school was about 25 minutes away from the cafe. As the two got closer and closer, jimin couldn't help but to think why they had called him. Questions ran threw his head like crazy and he was getting more nervous the closer they got.

When Tae finally pulled up to the school, he parked in a parking spot close to the doors and got out of the car with jimin. Jimin noticed this but didn't bother questioning it. He liked having Tae around again and could use him for comfort if anything bad really happened to jiwoon.

Jimin walked into the school at a fast pace with Tae trailing behind. Upon entering the office they immediately saw jiwoon sitting on a chair in the front office with tears running down his face. Jimins first thought was 'who hurt my baby'. He was asked straight over to his son and bent down to be in the same level as him. As soon as jiwoon saw him, he leaped into his arms and just started to bail his eyes out even more.

Jimin now was getting angry at whoever made his son cry this bad. While the two were hugging, jimin heard his name be called and turned around, still hugging jiwoon, to see the principle. The principle asked jimin to come into his office so they could talk preferably alone. Jimin pulled away from the hug and used both of his thumbs to wipe the tears off jiwoons face. Jimin told jiwoon, "baby I need to talk to your principle. You have to stay here but my friend Tae is going to keep you company. Okay?"

Jiwoon looked over to Tae with an unsure look in his face. Tae then made a silly face which caused jiwoon to laugh. Then he looked back to his mom and smiled while nodding his head as if to say 'I'll stay with this man'.

Jimin smiled then got up from where he was at and made his way to the principles office. As soon as he got there, the principle took a seat back in his chair behind his desk then motioned for jimin to take a seat. He sat down in a chair right in front of his desk.

They sat there while the principle looked for a paper in the stack of other papers on his desk. Once he found it he laid it out in front of him and began to speak, "your son has been involved in a small argument here. Apparently, from our understanding, another kid was saying rude things to your son. Another kid with the name of Jeon Shiwoo stepped in and yelled at the kid. After the other kid didn't stopped saying those things to your son, Shiwoo punches him."

Jimin sat there with sad eyes while nodding his head at what the principle was saying. After the principle was done jimin asked, "do you happened to know what the kid was saying to my son?" The principle sadly shook his head meaning no. The principle talked for a little longer about everything.

They both stood up and walked out to see Jiwoon laughing and Tae making silly faces. They both smiled at how cute the two were. Jimin knew they would get along with each other because they have similar personalities.

The principle and Jimin walked over to the two and jiwoon looked up at his dad and his eyes immediately emitted a sad look. Jimin bent down and smiled to him while placing his hands on jiwoons knees and saying, "how about you go get your book bag and we can go get some ice cream? How does that sound?"

Jiwoon lit up from what his mom said and started jumping up and down but then his expression turned sad again. He said to jimin, "I don't want the other kids to see me mom. They're gonna be mean to me." Jimin shook his head meaning no and took a pair of sunglasses he had in his back pocket and told jiwoon, "these sunglasses right here while make you have the most bravery in the whole world. Nobody will be mean to you if you wear these."

Jimin smiled after seeing his son smile. Jiwoon main ed his head and jimin out the sunglasses on him. Jiwoon got up from the chair the strutted out of the office to get his book bag. Jimin and Tae laughed at how his son just walked out of the office. They stayed there waiting for jiwoon to get back with his stuff.

A few minutes passed and they heard a door open forcefully. They both looked to where the noise was heard and saw a man gripping a hold of a child's arm hard while dragging him out of the office. The man had a mad expression on his face and the child looked on the verge of tears. Jimin immediately recognized the child as Shiwoo. When Shiwoo looked up from the floor, he saw jimin who he recognized as jiwoons mother. Jimin smiled at him which made Shiwoo look at him with pleading eyes as if to say, 'help'.

As he watched Shiwoo be dragged out of the school by his father, jimin attentions was taken off of them as he saw his son coming back with his book bag. Jiwoon yelled at his mom, "come on, we need to get ice cream." Jimin and Tae laughed once again at jiwoon and walked out of the school following his son.

Once they were outside, they saw Shiwoo and his dad. Shiwoo was sitting on a bench looking down and his father was squatted down between his legs with his hands on his knees. The father now had a more gentle and sad look on his face and Shiwoo had more of an apologetic one. The father was talking to his son then hugged him. Jimin smiled at how cute they looked but then looked away towards his son.

Apparently his son had looked over to Shiwoo and his father as well but instead of doing what jimin did and keep walking. Jiwoon yelled to his friend and ran over to him. Shiwoo looked up from hugging his father and saw his friend running towards him. Shiwoo lightly pushed his father away and started to run away from his father towards his friend. As soon as they got to each other, they hugged and started to talk and laugh with each other.

Jimin and Tae walked over to them as well as Shiwoo a father. When they got there jimin started to say with an apologetic expression, "I'm very sorry jiwoon interrupted your conversation with your son." Shiwoo a father out his heads up and waved them while shaking his head and saying, "no, it's okay. I know they're best friends." Jimin smiled after he saw the other father smile.

As the children talked, jimin started to talk to the other father, "I don't know if you remember meeting me last time but my name is park jimin," he said while putting out his hand for Shiwoo's father to shake. The other man happily raised his hand to shake jimin's and said, "yes I remember. How could I forget? And my name is jeon jungkook." Jimin lightly blushed at jungkook a words. They stopped shaking hands and just stared at each other. Once they both realized what they were doing. They became  wide eyed and darted their eyes away to their sons.

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