The last straw

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It's been a week since Bogum walked out on Jimin. Once Bogum came home (early the next morning), he took Jimin's phone, not allowing him to have any communication with the outside world. They were back to the same routine of Bogum taking jiwoon to school and jimin being locked in his room. Thankfully it only lasted for a week. After the week was up, Bogum let jimin out but still kept his phone telling jimin he couldn't trust him with the phone.

During the week, jiwoon would constantly ask his dad when his mom would be able to take him to school again. Bogum got so fed up with it that on the last day of jimin being locked up, Bogum hit jiwoon right across the face. The whole time jiwoon knew his mom was locked in his parents bedroom. Every night he would sneak out of his bedroom and slip notes under jimin's door to his bedroom. That's how they would talk, since they didn't want to wake up Bogum. Thankfully he slept on the couch downstairs for the whole week.

Once jiwoon got hit, he immediately ran up to his parents bedroom and banged on the door while he balled his eyes out.

At the time jimin was just getting out of the shower when he heard the horrible cries of his baby. Thankfully jimin had already been dressed, so he sprinted towards his door. He yanked and he pulled as hard as he could while also crying for his baby.

Jimin yelled through the door, "Baby?! What happened?! You're gonna be alright, okay? I'm gonna get out, okay?" Jiwoon's cries were too loud to be able to clearly hear what his mom was saying. All jiwoon kept yelling was, "MOMMY!...MOMMY I NEED YOU!...MOMMY!"

After a few seconds of the yelling a loud banging, Bogum got annoyed and walked up the stairs. He loudly huffed and walked over to the door to unlock it. Once it was unlocked, jimin abruptly opened it and pulled jiwoon into his arms, who was still crying very loudly.

Jimin was trying to calm his crying down so he could calm jiwoon down but it wasn't working. Bogum walked away with an annoyed expression and an eye roll. Jimin tried to calm his baby down by rubbing his head, cradling him on the ground, rocking them both back and forth, and humming softly to him. After a few seconds jiwoon finally calmed down and all you heard were sniffling form the both of them.

Jimin finally got the courage to ask, "Baby, what happened? Why were you crying?"

Jiwoon leaned more into jimin's chest and said, "Daddy hit me."

That's jimin needed to hear before he finally lost it. You can hit and beat him all you want but once you lay a hand on his baby, it's over.

Jimin has never been so angry in his life. He stayed calm enough to stand up with jiwoon and place him on the bed and rap him up in the blankets, "Stay here for a few seconds okay? Mommy will be right back."

Jiwoon nodded.

As soon as jimin turned his back to jiwoon, his facial expression turned from loving  and caring to murderous.

Jimin strides into jiwoons room, went to his closet, grabbed his suit case and started to pack anything and everything he could. After he filled the bag, he went back to his room, went to his closet and did the same thing with his things. "Mommy, what are you doing? Are we going somewhere?"

Jimin walked over to jiwoon, sat on the bed and started to caress his cheek.    "Yes baby. We are going to stay with grandma for a little while."

After everything was packed he hid it under the bed. If he wanted to get out and not get caught, he had to be sneaking about it. So jimin laid down behind his son and cuddled him until he fell asleep. But jimin didn't go to sleep. He was waiting until he knew for sure Bogum would be asleep.

It was currently 2 a.m. and jimin hadn't shut his eyes for a second. After looking at the clock and telling himself 'it was either now to never' he slowly started to get up.

Without waking up jiwoon, he picked him up in his arms then grabbed their bags. Jimin didn't know how he managed to grab all the bags but he's not gonna question it while time is against him right now.

As the door to their bedroom opened, jimin peaked his head out to see all the lights off. Slowly inching his way out of the room and down the hallway. The stairs were a bit squeaky so be had to be careful. As he approached the living room, he saw Bogum passed out on the couch with an unlit cigarette in his had. Typical.

Jimin held his breath as he passed by the couch and reached the door. Realizing the door was unlocked, he released a breath he didn't know he was holding. Reaching for the door knob, twisting it ever so slowly, periodically looking back at Bogum to make sure he's still asleep.

The door was finally wide enough for jimin and jiwoon to slip through. Jimin took one last look at Bogum before he slipped out and closed the door behind him.

The air outside was so cold that jimin could see his own breath. The blanket rapped around jiwoon, jimin pulled it up and over his head and protect him from the cold. At this time of night, there was only one bus. Jimin tiredly walked down the neighborhood to the bus stop to wait for the bus to take him to his moms.

It was starting to get very cold for jimin, and it was getting harder for jimin to keep his eyes open the more tired he got. After about an hour of waiting for the bus, it finally showed up and Jimin walked on and got a seat. Jimin started to feel jiwoon move in his arms, so he peaked under the blanket and saw jiwoon open his eyes a bit. "Hey baby, go back to sleep okay? We're almost at grandmas."

Jiwoon nodded his head and closed his eyes once again as jimin started to rock from side to side to lull him back to sleep.

Thoughts kept going through jimin's mind as he looked out the window. What will my mom do once we get there? Will she be angry? Will she let us stay? What will Bogum do once he wakes up?

Before jimin knew it, tears were falling from his eyes. Jimin sat there in the cold bus seat while rocking his baby and waiting for the next stop.

Finally there stop approaches and jimin stood up with jiwoon to get off. As he stepped off and air seemed to be colder than. His breath was more visible. But nonetheless he started on his way to his moms, hoping she would welcome them with open arms.

Jimins moms house was coming up on the left, and with every step, his heartbeat got faster and faster. Somehow jiwoon was still fast asleep.

This was it. He was at the door about the knock. He took none deep breath in then let it out and knocked on the door. At first nothing happened, so he knocked again. After a few more seconds, he saw some lights turn on in the house and a woman yell, "Hold on, I'm coming."

He smiled at the sound of his mom. He hasn't seen his mom and dad in so long. Jimin really missed hearing their voices.

The door opened and jimin's mom appeared in front of it with her mouth agape. There were no words. Jimin spoke first, "Hi mom."

"My baby." Jimin's eyes filled with tears at his mother's welcoming words and so did his moms eyes. She reached her arms out and jimin gladly walked into them for the best hug he'd had in awhile. They stood there in silence for a few minutes before his mom spoke, "Come on inside. I'll make you some hot chocolate, yea?"

Jimin only nodded and followed his mom inside. Both of them wiping their tears away.

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