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Jimin and his mom sat in the living room. Jiwoon laid sprawled our on his lap with a fuzzy blanket wrapped around him using his mom's legs as a pillow. Jimin and his mom sat directly across from each other with a coffee table in between them. Jimin was drinking his hot chocolate while his mom drank black coffee.

Jimin never understood how his mother could drink her coffee black like that but she's done from as far back as he can remember.

There was a fireplace to jimin's left which made the whole atmosphere feel more comfortable. After a few minutes of the both of them drinking there drinks and listening to the fireplace crackling, his mother spoke. "Baby, what happened?" Jimin sat silent for a few seconds. He then huffed and brought the hand that wasn't holding his drink up to his forehead to rub his temples.

"Mom can we please talk about this tomorrow. I don't have the energy to relive all that happened tonight." His mother bummed and nodded her head in agreement. She slowly stood up with the help of the couch she was seated upon and said, "I'll go make up your old room for you." Jimin have her a smile and she gave a more comforting smile back as she made her way to the kitchen to drop off her empty mug.

Jimin sat there admiring the fire as he slowly stroked his son's head. Tears brimming his eyes as his mind unwilling went thought back on everything that had happened. He shook his head to remove of the memories and turned to look at his son. He smiled with one tear escaping and dropping on jiwoons cheek. Jimin, as to not wake his sleeping son, said, "Don't worry baby, we'll get through this just like we always do. Mommy will always protect you."

Jimin's mom soon returned to the living room to see Jimin asleep still with jiwoon on his lap. She smiled at the beautiful picture wanting not to disturb it but knowing she had to. She slightly shook jimin's shoulder while softly saying, "wake up baby, you need to go to bed."

Jimin fluttered his eyes open and nodded to his mothers request. He slid out from beneath his son and carefully, without removing the blanket, picked him up and walked back the hallway to there jimin's old bedroom.

Upon walking into the bedroom, so many memories were brought back to Jimin. Memories of him and taehyung having the best sleepovers, him sneaking out to meet up with a guy,  growing through heartbreaks (which now seem silly to rethink but at the time we're very monumental), etc. Jimin smiled at all the old memories and made his way to the bed. Luckily it was big enough for both jiwoon and him to sleep in. So, Jimin set his baby in the bed then climbed in next to him. Jimin fell asleep thinking of what the next day would bring.

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