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The next morning Jimin woke up around 5 am. Even without an alarm he still woke up early. He always woke up early because by now it was just a habit. Bogum would always expect breakfast to be done for him before he left for work at around 6:30 am. But jimin never knew if he was going to be home or not the next morning. Nevertheless jimin still got up every morning (even on weekends) at 5am to make breakfast and get ready himself.

As he started to open his eyes, he realized he wasn't in his bed. When he tried to sit up he noticed there were arms rapped tightly around his waist as if whoever they belonged to was afraid he was going to leave and never come back. Jimin looked down to see who the arms belonged to and saw his son sleeping with tear stained cheeks.

Jimin smiled and reached one of his hands up, as the other one held him up, and removed the hair that was laying across jiwoons face. Then he let his hand softly caress his cheek and all of a sudden all the memories of the previous night had returned to his mind like a flood. He started to tear up,while still caressing his sons cheek, as he imagined the pained look on jiwoons face after what he had saw. Jimin sat there for a little while just admiring his son but realized it was already 5:30am and he had to get up, get dressed and get breakfast before jiwoon had to go to school.

Jimin carefully removed jiwoons arms from across his waist and got up out of bed. He tiptoed out of the room then closed the door once he was in the hallway. He walked back to his bedroom and didn't see Bogum so he gathered up some clothes he would wear today and headed into the bathroom.

Once he got into the bathroom he set his clothes down on the sink countertop and got a clean towel out. He started to remove his shirt then his pants and as he was sliding his pants down he felt all the pain rushing back from the previous night as if it had just happened. It was very painful but jimin managed to push his pants all the way off and step out of them.

Jimin didn't really like to look at himself in the mirror. He especially didn't like to see himself naked because most likely he always had some type of bruise or hit mark on him. Today it was all over his butt. He forced himself to turn around and look at his bitt in the mirror to see the damage that was done. Jimin started to cry as soon as he saw it. It was worse than when Bogum had previously beat him with the belt. Jimin doesn't know why it was so much worse this time but he's starting to think Bogum gets off on this. Gets off on the pain he puts jimin in. Beating jimin until he's crying and begging him to stop.

Jimin started to cringe at his own thoughts. He hoped he was wrong but wouldn't be surprised if he was right. Jimin finally looked away from the mirror and stepped into the shower. He turned the water on making sure it wasn't to hot knowing that if it was then it would burn his fresh wounds.

Unluckily, as the water hit jimin's bitt it still burned. He was forced to turn the water down to cold and then finished his shower in freezing water. Jimin tried to go fast. Washing his hair, body and face in about 5 mins. Then getting out.

He was also used to quick showers because Bogum would always complain if he took to long and by to long I mean about 10 min. Sometimes even 5 mins would be to long and Bogum would go storming into the bathroom (jimin also wasn't allowed to lock the bathroom door) and dragging jimin out even if he still had shampoo in his hair.

Jimin will never forget this one evening, jimin was in the shower for about 5 mins already and he had just finished washing his hair but he was so tired from the long day he had had of cleaning the entire house that he just wanted to stand in the hot water for a little. Next thing jimin knows is he's being woken up from his sleep because he had accidentally fallen asleep in the shower and was being dragged out by Bogum.

Jimin was thrown onto the bed wet naked and shaking from the cool breath in the room. Bogum was yelling and hitting him mercilessly. Luckily jiwoon was already asleep and he's a pretty deep sleeper.

After that night jimin never stayed in the shower for longer than 5 mins even when Bogum wasn't here because somehow Bogum always found out everything.

After jimin has gotten out of the shower, he got dressed in a pair of boxers, light loose jeans and a light gray t-shirt that was from his college. He walked out of the bathroom while drying his hair with a towel. He then threw the towel he was using for his hair into the laundry basket. This reminded jimin that he had to do laundry soon.

Jimin then threw on a pair of black socks and walked to the kitchen. He looked around to see if maybe Bogum had crashed on the couch but he was nowhere to be seen. So jimin shrugged his shoulders and started to look threw out the kitchen for something to make. He decided on pancakes this morning. He wanted to make jiwoon happy after everything he had seeing last night and since pancakes were his favorite.

Honestly Jimin loved morning like this. Quiet mornings where he could wake up and enjoy taking his time and not being rushed in order to save himself from getting beat.

He finished the pancakes around 6:30 and covered them so they stayed warm while he went back to his bathroom to finish getting ready. He blow dried his hair because it was still a little wet and then straightened it a bit to smooth it down because it was a bit frizzy. He applied the tiniest bit of concealer and then applied some chapstick. He looked at himself in the mirror and told himself, "you've got this jimin. It's just another day, that's all it is. Smile, it looks good on you."

After jimin's little pep talk, he walked to jiwoons room to get him ready for the day.

Once he walked into his room, he saw jiwoon sleeping in the same position jimin left him in. Jimin wished he could just stare at his son forever but sadly jiwoon had to go to school. Jimin walked over to the bed and sat down on the end of it. To his surprise, as soon as he sat down jiwoon opened his eyes. Jimin widened his eyes while asking, "baby, your already awake? How long have you been awake?" Jimin looked into his sons eyes. They were filled with sadness. Jiwoon replies with, "since you go out of bed." Jimin made a sad smile and just caressed jiwoons cheek. Jiwoon closed his eyes enjoying the feeling of his moms hand on his cheek. Unconsciously jiwoon let a small tear out of his eye and run down his cheek but jimin was quick to catch it and wipe it away.

Jimin still had his sad smile on while saying, " come on, you've gotta get ready for school. Also I made pancakes for breakfast." Jimin said the last sentence with a happy smile and that immediately cheered up jiwoon making him jump out of bed and run the bathroom. Jimin shook his head while laughing and went to the bathroom as well to help his son get ready.

After jimin finished getting jiwoon ready, they both headed downstairs. Jiwoon day at the table while jimin walked to the cabinets above the counter and got a plate out. Jimin our two small pancakes on the plate. On the pancakes he put butter and syrup then cut them up into small pieces. He handed the plate to jiwoon who immediately started to eat. Jimin smiled at his son while getting him some chocolate milk and putting it in a sippy cup.

Jimin also got himself two small pancakes and sat down at the table and ate with his son. After they were both done jiwoon grabbed his book bag and jimin grabbed his keys and phone and they were out the door on their way to the elementary school.

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